Wednesday 22 April 2009

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

Cats are beautiful, intelligent creatures and are one of the most popular pets in the world today. They are fantastic companions for humans, but just like us, they too have the right to a healthy life.

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We love our pets dearly and that’s why we become so stressed and fretful when they get ill. The biggest problem is of course that they can’t tell us what is wrong with them and it’s often just left to our intuition, first to realize from their behavior that something is wrong, and secondly to try and figure out what it is.

So as cat lovers, if we can keep out beloved pets free from illness it’s not only better for the cat, it’s also of benefit to us in terms of less stress. Remember a healthy cat is a happy cat.

Not only do we hate it when we know there is something wrong with our cats, but they hate it too and they just don’t understand why they feel so bad. So that’s why we decided to help our fellow cat lovers and make some information available that will benefit not just our furry friends, but us humans too.
You will be surprised at how much you will learn about your beloved pet!

Veterinarian fees can be crippling, and whilst for most of us, the money we sometimes have to spend isn’t begrudged, it’s still money we’d rather not have to spend. That’s another good reason behind our motive. With the information, helpful hints and tips we have made available for you, your cats health and resistance to illness will be drastically improved, not only making your cat a happier cat, but also saving you lots of dollars into the bargain.

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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We’ve prepared a guide that you can download absolutely free with no obligation. It will whet your appetite to find out even more about keeping your cat fit and healthy and improving his or her well being. The healthier your cat, the longer he or she will be around to brighten up your lives.

Not only are cats gorgeous creatures to look at, they have also have a real personality of their own. Every cat is different but they all have that air of independence that can sometimes make them appear aloof and somewhat self-centered. But that’s one of the reasons we love them so. They don’t have be fussed over all the time, and when they do come to you for love and affection, you feel privileged they do so. A friend of mine, (the landlady actually, where I live), recently accused her two cats of “cupboard love” when they let me make a fuss of them.

She reckoned it was simply the fact that I was opening cupboards that brought them to me, in expectation of something to eat appearing. I think she was probably right.

Lots of people simply adore cats, (my wife being one of them) and lavish all sorts of treats and luxuries on them. I think that if I am ever to be reincarnated, a cat, particularly a pet cat belonging to my wife, would be a pretty good choice to come back as.

Download your free guide now. It will tell you lots more about all the information we have compiled for you in our new e-book. Remember, there’s no obligation to go any further, although we feel sure you will want to take that next step once you see what’s on offer.

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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The e book may help prevent situations like these occurring though!

We are offering you rock steady 60 day money back guarantee!

Price $19

Do you want to learn more about cats?

Learn about:

* The origins of the domestic cat
* The Moggie
* Choosing your pet cat
* Toilet training
* Bonding with your Puss
* A healthy puss is a happy puss.
* Your cat’s likes and dislikes
* You cat’s personality

ALL 100% FREE OF CHARGE! With our FREE guide!

Enter your name and email in the box below and you will receive instant access to your copy of free guide!

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When we put this book together we were amazed at the amount of helpful things it ended up containing. A “must have” if you don’t have a cat yet but are considering giving one a home.

Not only am I quietly confident that you will be happy with your purchase, because I know we all have so much love for our animals and want what’s best for them, but remember you will almost certainly be cutting down on your vets bills too at the same time as giving your cat the healthy life it deserves. It’s a win, win situation.

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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It is said that cats have nine lives, and throughout their lives they will suffer from various injuries as they get into tricky situations. Our e book will teach you how to look out for changes in your cat’s behavior and will help you to pinpoint what is wrong and how to fix the problem.

If your cat isn’t being as lively as usual or hasn’t eaten for a day or two it’s a sure sign to reach for our e-book for help in solving the problem. But please note that this book offers well founded advice, amongst which it will advise that if you suspect your cat is seriously ill or has a serious injury then you must take him to the vet immediately. Your cats well being is in your hands.

In the e book you will find some well kept secrets and tips and techniques on how to give your beloved cat the happy healthy life it needs. It covers:

o Basic care for your cat
o Bringing a new cat into the home and what care it needs
o Keeping your cat in great physical condition
o Tips and ideas on playing with your cat
o Giving your cat the diet it needs
o The first vet visit
o Cat reproduction and what to expect
o The myths that we should know about cats
o keeping your cats weight at the safe level
o and a whole bunch more of great information, tips tricks and ideas

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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Lots of people can be allergic to cats so we’ve even included some helpful and excellent allergy advice in our e-book too.

We adopted our cat only a month ago, and we noticed he had some extremely weird tendencies. One day he would eat, the next day he wouldn’t. He was quiet and kept himself to himself, sometimes becoming aggressive. We thought about taking him back to the cat’s home, but then thought, if it were a child, we wouldn’t give up on it so easily. So we decided to look on the internet for some advice and came across your website.

The e-book you were publishing sounded really helpful so we downloaded it. We read it through and took up some of the great tips and hints. In no time our cat responded and is now so lovable he has become our very best friend. He always sits on my lap now and purrs, looking a lot healthier. There is often a mischievous twinkle in his eye that wasn’t there before. Thank you so much.

Anna, LA

I bought an adorable little kitten for my children and it dawned on me after I brought it home that I had no knowledge of taking care of him. Sure I had a general idea, but my kids fell so much in love with Tabitha the minute they laid eyes on her, I knew I had to learn more to ensure she grew healthily and would be around for my kids as they grew.

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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It would have broken their hearts if anything happened to her. I found your e-book on the internet and downloaded it. It contained everything I needed to know and more. We now know all there is to know about cats and how to give Tabitha a healthy life. She is absolutely gorgeous and my kids are so happy, thank you so much for providing the information we so desperately needed.

John, Canada

My cat was a stray. I took him in after he kept coming to my door as he realised he would be fed. I figured he would probably didn’t have a home to go to judging by the state of him. so I thought I’d give him a loving home. I took him to the vet for a check up and he told me about your e-book.

I have now read it over and over again because there is so much to take in, but the tips are great and my cat looks so healthy now. He is a good weight and I am so proud of being able to rescue him from death’s door. I have given him the life and love a cat deserves all thanks to your e-book.

Michael, Arizona

See how the e book helped them change their cat’s lives for the better. Why not enhance your cat’s life too with the help of our e-book. Show how much you care about your cat and its health. We also have your 100% free guide waiting to download now. Once you have read the contents of the guide you will want to know more.

To show you the total confidence we have in our product, we offer you a full no nonsense 60 day money back guarantee. That’s right, if you are not totally satisfied, you get a full refund.
So you have nothing to lose. Download it now.

Nursing Kittys, The Guide To Health Cats

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P.S.: Please don’t forget to get your copy of the free guide! While it's still free!

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