Sunday 5 April 2009

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child

Let Me Hand You The Formula for Raising a Happy and Cooperative Child With Half the Effort. And End Whining and Irritating Behaviors Permanently...
No Matter How Unruly Your Child.

Click Image For Full Story!
From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Image For Full Story

First, read these real life success stories from
parents JUST LIKE YOU who have finally found a way
to stop their child's bratty behaviors and enjoy
stress FREE parenting...

“The Biting And Other Negative Behaviors Have
Totally Stopped"

“Daniel had been biting, hitting, hair-pulling, kicking, pinching, scratching and knocking over other children (even larger ones)... After a month of implementing these tools there were dramatic changes in Daniel. He is now relaxed, playful and focused. The biting and other negative behaviors have totally stopped.”

Dr. and Mrs. Michaelson, Ottawa, Ontario, Parents of Daniel 5

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

“These Tools Are So Valuable And Effective
Everyone Should Have Access To Them!"

“I'm a single dad and life is so much easier now. I feel more confident that what I'm doing is right for my son. I used to be afraid to take my son out in public because of the scenes he would make. He hasn’t made a scene in two months thanks to this program. These tools are so valuable and effective; everyone should have access to them!

Tim Alonso, Santa Fe, NM, Father of Evan 4

"Reading This Book Has Saved My Family
And My Marriage”

“Using these tools has saved my family and my marriage! My wife and I were having so much trouble with our youngest son that our marriage was on the rocks. His aggression and incessant whining was out of control. After a few months of implementing the principles Matthew has stopped both his hitting and whining completely. We all get a better night’s sleep, and I'm happy to say my wife and I are still together.”

Pete Stilby, Vancouver, B.C. Father of Laurel 3, Matthew 4, Dylan 7

It’s TRUE! This amazingly simple and easy to use
formula is working for Countless Families Right Now…
…and I Want YOU To Be One of Them! Read on….

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

A Personal Message From Ashley Ryan

Dear Loving Parent,

Let me introduce myself…

Hi, I’m Ashley Ryan, and I'm a mother and a parenting coach.

Years ago, when I was pregnant with my son, my husband and I were relaxing at a local coffee shop when we struck up a conversation with a man at the next table...

This man turned out to be a wealth of knowledge on parenting and at the end of our conversation he recommended a book to us.

Now I don’t usually take advice from strangers, but needless to say, we took this knowledgeable man’s advice and bought the book. And I am happy to say buying that book was the best parenting decision that we've ever made.

You see, like most expectant mothers, I had all sorts of ideas about what "type" of parent I was going to be. I was going to rule my child with an iron fist, and not put up with any nonsense. But overall I had absolutely no clue about how to raise a child...

And what shocked me most… Is that most other
parents don’t have a clue how to raise a happy and
cooperative child either!

After devouring the book, my husband and I both agreed that it was the most powerful and trans formative material we had ever read. And from that moment on, we both made a firm commitment to use these special tools 100% of the time with our son.
You see, after our son was born we were able to put this highly effective information into practice, right from the start…
And the results were nothing short of a miracle!

Let me explain…

At 5 years old, our son is one of the most cooperative, polite and happy children around...

Everyday we get compliments on how well behaved and how much of a pleasure he is to be around. Our son isn’t aggressive nor does he throw embarrassing tantrums in public. And when we give him instructions he follows them happily and exactly, and even cleans up without being asked (can you believe he's only 5!?).

Of course, don’t get me wrong. He isn’t happy, polite and cooperative ALL OF THE TIME. That’s impossible and unrealistic. What I'm saying is that more often than not, our son's a real pleasure to be around and remarkably different from most children his age.

And, oh yes, lets not forget…

After that fateful meeting in the coffee shop, Isaac (the man from the coffee shop) and I kept in close contact. He started to mentor me, teaching me these effective parenting secrets. For over a year I worked closely with him and other families. That’s when I found out that these secrets not only worked for my son but they worked for countless other families as well.

And yet, in discovering this powerful and effective formula, I became of aware of something that really rattled me to my core…

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

This Secret Formula can Transform Children from Brats Into Loving Angels... It is that effective.

Yet Sadly (and it truly makes me cry) Almost No One Knows About This Secret!

...There are only a select few in the world that have access to this information…

Even with all the millions of parenting ‘experts’ in the world. Only a select few are teaching this effective and life trans formative formula. Don’t you find that shocking? That something so effective and so powerful is virtually unheard of?

If Something Could Dramatically Transform Your Entire Family for The Better, wouldn’t you want to know about it?

In seeing how so many parents struggle needlessly to get their child’s cooperation, and how the child becomes more and more disobedient. It became my passion and my purpose to bring this important information out to the public. So that every parent can have access to these special tools.

Don’t you think that’s significant? Everyone being able to have access to information that's life-changing? Just imagine dissolving the struggles that you experience everyday!

My journey started by coaching parents and working with families one on one. Soon I had a booming practice but was running out of hours in the day. After all, there's only one of me. Yet, I didn’t want the fact that there was only one of me to limit the amount of people that this information could help. That’s when I decided to write this transformative material down and start putting together a program.

Carefully and methodically I started putting together all the information I collected. All the tools and tricks, all the secrets that have helped so many families over the years. Interview, audios, transcripts, research case studies, it’s all here in a simple and step by step formula that will transform your child from bratty to cooperative in no time flat.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it...
Just read what countless other families are saying about this life-transformative program...

“Within JUST TWO WEEKS of Using These Tools I Started To Notice A Dramatic Difference In My Daughter”

“I was at my wits end when a friend suggested that I try the program "From Misbehavior to Great Behavior - 20 Days to A New Child." I have to admit I was very skeptical, I'd tried many things and nothing seemed to work with my aggressive and angry 5 year old. Within JUST TWO WEEKS of using the formula I started noticing a dramatic difference in my daughter. She's happier and more relaxed than I've ever seen her. This information has really changed my daughter!”

Sharon Little, Calgary, Alberta, Parent of Tanya 5

“After Following This Powerful Formula
Lee Stopped Hitting and Pushing”

“I originally started using Ashley's program to get my son to stop pushing and hitting other children. NOTHING was working. After following The "From Misbehavior to Great Behavior - 20 Days to A New Child" program, Lee stopped hitting and pushing. On top of it, he no longer wets the bed. Thank you, I can’t tell you how happy I am.”

David Kim, San Francisco, CA, Parent of Lili 2, Lee 6

“Best of All My 3 Year Old Stopped Throwing Tantrums In The Grocery Store"

"This is magic! After using this material my boys are like different children. They're so much more easygoing, they have stopped waking at night AND best of all my 3 year old stopped throwing tantrums in the grocery store!! I'm so happy. Thank you so much Ashley.”

Marcy Lee Jennings, Columbus OH, Parent of Donny 3, Jer 5

Just like the thousands of parents that got their sweet and loving child back, I will show you exactly how these time tested tools can eliminate your child’s biting, hitting and whining FOREVER!

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

But first, how do you know if this is the right parenting formula for you?

Take this quick qualifying test to find out
if this is the cure you've been looking for...

Can You Answer Yes to Any of The Following?

Are you emotionally and mentally exhausted?

Tired of getting up in the morning?

Are your nerves frazzled?

Do you feel like your child is a burden?

Is your child's behavior embarrassing for you and those around you?

Are you afraid to go out in public because you fear what they might do next?

Do you feel like there's no hope in correcting your child's behavior?

Are you worried about your child's future if things don't change?

Do you feel guilty for using threats?

Do you feel helpless to do anything about your child's aggression?

Do you feel ashamed for having to bribe your child into good behavior?

Is your child's defiance creating a stain in your marriage?

Have you given up and stopped trying to make a difference for your child?

Are you afraid to go out in public because you fear what they might do next?

If you answered YES TO ANY
of the above questions then you need
to know that It Doesn't Have To Be Like This!

Yelling, Demanding, Whining and Hitting,
Do NOT Have to Exist in Your Home... Period.

The Shocking Fact is that common parenting methods
and tactics of today just don't work!
Because if these methods did work,
children wouldn't misbehave like they do.

And as you're probably aware of by now ...

Your child’s destructive behavior is not going to magically disappear on its own! In fact it's only going to get worse with time...

Your child isn’t going to grow out of it (that's why drug abuse is so common in teenagers)

And if their behavior is irritating now…Wait until they're older, it can get very destructive and dangerous.

It’s up to YOU as a parent to take
action on your child’s behalf.

Research Reveals:
Teenage Delinquency and Sociopathic Behaviors
Start Early In the Home…
Any behavioral problems must be resolved NOW, before it it’s too late. When your child is young you have influence over their lives. When they get older your influence is minimal at best, now is the time. Please don’t wait until the police are knocking at your door before you do something...
Don’t Wait.
The Last Thing You Want on Your Hands
Is A Juvenile Delinquent Teenager!

And don’t be naive to think your child is somehow different and won’t be someone we read about in the newspaper. NO matter how much you love your child, without the proper tools… You’re putting your child at risk.

As I said before, I created this program out of a HUGE need. Everywhere I go I see unhappy children and stressed out parents. Shockingly, this is considered "normal" nowadays. ADD, pinching, beating, hitting, yelling, not listening, tantrums, this is considered normal! But fortunately it isn’t normal for the families who are using the tools in this program.

Click Image For Full Story!
From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Image For Full Story!

, just want to let you know that...

A Happy, Easy-Going And Cooperative Child Isn’t Out Of Your Reach... It Is Possible!

How do I know? Because I’ve seen it first hand with other families, and I get to experience it every single day with my own child. But if that’s not enough evidence for you, just read what these happy families are saying about using these tools…

“The Past Few Weeks Have Been Amazing!"

“The past few weeks have been amazing. My stress level has decreased significantly, and I'm finding that the children much easier to be around. Using this material changed my home! Thank you so much!”

Linda Greely, Carmel, CA, Parent of Lidia 7, Nate 9

“Anyone Who's Interested In A Better,
Less Stressful World Should Read This Material"

“Every parent, caregiver, teacher, and anyone who's interested in a better, less stressful world should follow the "From Misbehavior to Great Behavior - 20 Days to A New Child" program.

Evelyn Gregg, Seattle WA, Parent of Lily 1, Aiden 6

“Reading This Book Has Completely Changed
My Outlook On Parenting"

"Using this formula has completely changed my outlook on parenting. I don’t feel the same intense pressure anymore to be this “super mom.” I'm not perfect but at least now I feel confident about how I treat my kids.”

Melissa Silverman, Seattle, WA, Parent of Kendra 3, Jo 5

Believe me, I understand the stresses of being a parent. And I know that many of us weren’t raised with good examples of healthy parenting. Psychological research reveals that we model our parents parenting patterns. Even if you try and avoid it, when the stress builds, that’s when you’re most likely to react towards your child.

Now, maybe you had great parents, and truthfully I believe that all parents do the best they can. The problem is not your willingness or your lack of love… I know how much you love your child. By the mere fact that reading this right now speaks volumes.

What holds you back from being the parent that you want to be is that you just don’t have the proper tools. You’ve got the tool-belt. That’s your love and your willingness. But you don’t have the tools, most parents don’t because they never learned them. And, that’s why I'm here. To give you the easy-to-follow tools

You can experience less stress and more joy with a cooperative and loving child. And this can happen
faster than you think…
With Half The Effort You're Using Now!
With My "From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior
20 Days To A New Child!" Program.
This easy to follow, step-by-step plan, will guide you into being a fantastic parent in no time flat. With way less effort and stress than before.

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

The sooner you get started implementing my formula, the sooner you can start to enjoy a close and loving relationship with your child, period.

Just like countless parents that got their sweet and loving child back, I will show you exactly how my time tested tools can eliminate your child’s whining, aggression and other annoying behaviors - starting today.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it, just read how many stressed-out parents overcame their troubles to enjoy a close and loving relationship with their child..

"I Was So Tired of Treating
My Children The Way I Did"

“I was so tired of treating my children the way I did. I could tell it wasn’t good for them and I felt so guilty. I didn’t know there were other options until I found this program. After using Ashley's tools I feel like a new person. The guilt and shame is gone, and I feel proud of what I'm doing for the first time in 7 years!! I can’t begin to express how grateful I am.”

Brenda Flores, Austin, TX, Parent of Amelia 8, Connor 6

"Not Only is My Son Progressing With Leaps and Bounds But So Am I"

“Since using these tools I feel a lot better about myself as a parent. Not only is my son progressing with leaps and bounds but so am I.”

France Legeaux, Gatineau, QC, Parent of Gen 3, Etienne 5

"Reading This Book Has Been the Best Parenting Decision I have Ever Made"

“I really felt depressed and hopeless about the way things were going. I don’t know if other moms can relate, but I was at my wits end. Then I started following the program…And so far it has been the best decision I have ever made for my family. My kids are a lot happier and I am too.”

Dina Ross, Ottawa, ON, Parent of Mark 6, Josh 7, Melanie 9

I can imagine by now you’re probably wondering…
What makes this program so powerful?

In The "20 Days to a New Child" Plan
You Will Learn:

The Step by Step Formula for Eliminating Your Child’s Behavioral Problems Permanently

The Truth About Crying (And what to do when your child cries)

How to Reduce “No’s” by 80% and Have a MORE Cooperative Child

One Highly Destructive Approach to Discipline that Almost Every Parent uses (And how you can avoid it)

How to Raise Your Child Without Yelling, Spanking or Nagging

The Virtually Unknown way to get Your Child to Cooperate

The Healthy Way to get your Child Sleeping Through the Night

One Critical Mistake Most Parents Make When Trying to Stop Unruly Behavior

How You're Recycling a Parenting Method that is Actually Harming Your Child’s Health (I will tell you what it is and what you can do about it)

The Five Parenting Don’ts if You Want Your Child to Respect You

Why Most Parenting Programs Don’t Work (And by using them you could be doing your child more harm than good)

How to Stop Aggression and Anger at the Roots, so it’s Gone Permanently

One Powerful Technique that Eliminates Whining and Other Annoying Behavior

How to get Your Child to Clean up Without Asking (Yes, even your toddler)

Why “shy” Children Weren’t Born that Way and How You can Transform It

The Most Powerful Secret you Need to Know to Raise a Healthy Child
(Learn this and you will never need to use punishment again)

How to Remain Calm when Your Child is Pushing Your Buttons
(If you don’t it could be devastating to your child’s mental health)

Learn why Siblings Fight and What you Can do About it

The 3 Elements that Must be Included When Playing with your Child
(Most parents do not know this)

How to Boost Your Own Self Esteem and Naturally Boost your Child's at the Same Time

The Cure for Bed Wetting (Simple, and I bet you’ve never heard this one before)

Learn What Every Parent Must Know About Time Outs
(After hearing this you will never consider a time out again)

How to Create a Deep, Powerful and Lasting Bond with Your Chi

And that's just the start! When you enroll today, you will also learn to:

Never Punish Again - And Delight in Your Child’s Cooperation

Stop Your Child's Aggression Once and For All - And Bring Love and Happiness Back in to Your Home

Reduce Tantrums by 80% and - Stop the Embarrassment and Shame of Public Outings

Feel Confident in Your Parenting Decisions - And Eliminate Doubt and Insecurity for Good

Put a Stop to the Endless Whining And Enjoy Peace and Quiet at Home

Enjoy Good Manners - And Don’t Spend Time Teaching Them

Put an End to Power Struggles - And Regain a Permanent Sense of Relief

Become Confident in Your Parenting Skills - Eliminate The Heavy Burden of Doubt

Stop Feeling Pressured to Keep Your Child “ In Line”

Start Feeling Confident In Your Child's Abilities

Reduce “No’s by 90% - Renew Your Love of Parenting!

Regain Your Child's Trust - Feel Deeply Connected to Your Child

Banish Time-Outs Permanently - And Revel in Your Child's Cooperation

Get Your Child to Sleep Through The Night - Feel Rested and Refreshed In the Morning

Remove Comfort Objects - And Enjoy Your Child’s Company (Blankie Free!)

Stop Second Guessing Yourself - Start Feeling Good About Yourself!

Instill Your Child With a Positive Self Image And Watch them Grow up to be Happy and Confident

Watch Your Child Transform from Whiny and Unsatisfied - To Content, Loving and Relaxed

End The insanity - And Start Creating the Family That You Deserve!

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

Tell me, how would you feel if, BY TONIGHT,
you could know exactly how to stop your child's whining, hitting and
aggression as well as many of the other problems plaguing your family?
Would that make LIFE A LOT EASIER?

Would that bring more peace and happiness in to your home?

Best of all, if you enroll today you get $550 worth of bonus material absolutely FREE!

FREE Bonus #1 ($20.00 value)

7 Effective Alternatives to Punishment: Each week I will send you one practical and effective alternative to punishment that you can use and every day with your child.

FREE Bonus #2 ($100.00 value)

Exclusive Interview: An exclusive never before heard interview with Parenting Expert Naomi Aldort, answering ALL of your parenting questions. This Interview is PACKED with practical never before talked about material that covers everything that you need to know to be a successful parent.

FREE Bonus #3 ($70.00 value)

Free access to hundreds of parenting articles and audio from a up and coming parenting website that is opening its doors soon. You will be the very first to access this material, which other parents are paying FULL PRICE for in advance, And you get FREE.

FREE Bonus #4 ($40.00 value)

This interview alone could change the way you look at parenting forever! In this highly controversial interview I sit down with a renowned parenting expert who fills me in on a new way to parent that you HAVE NOT heard before. This material is so cutting edge and so mind boggling that you will be glad to have it on MP3, so you can listen to it again.

FREE Bonus #5 (you don't want to miss this!)

“Why Do Children Misbehave?” In this report psychologist and international speaker Dr.Aletha Solter answers this burning question in detail.

The Ultimate Fast Action Bonus ($200.00 value)

Last but not least you will be getting a FREE Bonus that's worth more than its weight in gold. Parents all over the world have paid hundreds for this and you get it for absolutely no charge.

That’s right, when you enroll today you will get a powerfully transformative phone coaching session for FREE. With no obligation on your part.

That’s my gift to you!

My clients pay $200/hour...
And you are getting a
call with me absolutely FREE!
(My way of thanking you for taking the step to helping
make the world a better place by investing in your
child's happiness and health)

This call will be in depth, one-on-one and laser-focused on eliminating those irritating behaviors and creating a joyful and cooperative child. How does that sound?

Why am I offering all this to you at no charge
and no obligation?

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

I believe it’s every parent’s right to have this information. I know first hand the intensity and confusion that parenting may bring. And I genuinely want you to get all the tools you need to start creating a fulfilling life for you and your family. I know all about wanting to change something and not knowing where to look or how to go about it.

There is so much information out there it’s dizzying.
That’s why I am making this a no-brainer, by offering you a free call AND $550 worth of bonus material.

Let's recap, if you were to consult with me privately to get the same information, this package would be well worth over $550.00

Why am I giving this away at such a discounted price you may be wondering?
Because I'm just launching this program, so this is a special launch price.

Listen closely, If you come back 3 weeks later or 6 months later, you'll see that the price will be back up to $197 (a steal considering there is $550 worth of life-altering materials).

Plus, my schedule is already filling up fast with all the buzz from starting this launch, so if you want the FREE coaching call, FREE bonus material and this powerful formula GUARANTEED to make your child cooperative and happy, then you MUST enroll today!

This program is GUARANTEED to work, so there's absolutely NO WAY
that you can lose!

That's right....
My Promise To You:
This Amazing Parenting
formula Will Work for You,
Or You Get Your Money Back Within 60 Days.

That’s right, either you begin to achieve your parenting goals, or you do not pay a penny with 60 days time. The only string attached is you have to actually implement the tools. You came here today looking for a solution to your child’s behavioral problems, and that’s exactly what I'm going to deliver to your doorstep. Or it’s FREE. Guaranteed.

60 Day 100% Iron Clad
Money Back Guarantee.

Here's The Best Guarantee
You've Ever Seen!

I'm so confident that this program will work for you and your child that I guarantee it for 60 Days.

That’s right, 2 Full Months.
I've taken all the risk off your shoulders…
There's absolutely no risk on your part!

Stripped to the bare essentials – either this program is everything and more, or your money back within 60 days. Again, all the risk is on me here so go ahead and take this offer. If you decide this isn't for you, you get an 100% refund. No hard feelings.

And to make this an absolute no brainer...

if you enroll TODAY I am guaranteeing this material for a 60 Days PLUS I'm letting you keep the Bonuses.
That's how confident I am that
you will love it!

It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 am
in the morning!

Go ahead, submit your information, and you're on your way to having a joyful child without whining, screaming and any other irritating behaviors.

Undoubtedly the Benefits of this material are truly priceless. And can you really put a price on transforming your relationship with your child? Of course not. It will change your life and your child’s life forever.

The most significant way to help the world is by starting in the home, with your own child.

Don’t you think it would be much easier to lead a happy and healthy life when the foundation is laid right at the start?

And that’s what I want you to provide your child with, a good start. As the old saying goes “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And that's what these tools are, prevention.

Wouldn’t you rather your child get a good start now, rather than have to go back and correct things later?

I've made a firm commitment to helping you, but I can only do it if you take the first steps…

So please sit down, click the submit button, and get your program, complimentary coaching session and free bonuses today. And don’t let fear or laziness stop you.

I care that you receive this information and FAST. So, if you're not sure about speaking with me here’s what I will do…

If you only want the program and bonus reports, which are life-altering in themselves, then go ahead. Enter your details and I will send you both, that’s it. You don’t have to speak with me if you don’t want. That’s how serious I am about you using these principles...

Again, if you ONLY want the formula and bonuses
go ahead and enroll and I will
send you the reports at laser speed.

From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Here For Full Story!

Don't Wait - There is a Limited Supply!

By the way, these free bonuses are worth more than their weight in gold-- but they're all yours absolutely free. I Look forward to talking with you.

P.S. One last thing (it's important)

Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think you'll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again?

If I keep touching a hot stove and kept getting burned - I'd be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won't get burnt. That's why you need to try something different, starting today.

P.P.S. How Much Is A Happy, Co-operative and Emotionally Healthy Child Worth to You?
$1,000? $2,000? More?


That's why I'm making this a no-brainer for you, by giving all of this to you for $97, so what are you waiting for? Do what know is right and take the steps towards being a better parent. Take a stand for your child.

"This Information Works Period"

“My son was whining all the time. After following the "From Misbehavior to Great Behavior - 20 Days to A New Child" program, I implemented the principles and my sons whining dramatically reduced. This information works period."

- Roger Salios, Calgary, Alberta, Parent of Jeremy 4

"Motherhood Used to be a HUGE Struggle for me"

"Motherhood used to be a HUGE struggle for me. I was always trying to "soothe" and please my children. That just wasn't working. After following Ashley's program , my whole parenting style changed. I'm so much more relaxed now, and my kids are much better behaved."

- Ellis Windsor, Seattle, WA, Parent of Livie 3, Raven 6

Click Image For Full Story!
From Mis-Behavior To Great Behavior - 20 Days To A New Child
Click Image For Full Story

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