Thursday 30 April 2009

7 Secrets to Save Your Leopard Gecko: How To Care For Your Gecko

If, after reading my book you DON'T double your geckos life and he doesn't become the happiest and healthiest possible, keep it for.... FREE!

Are you Killing your Leopard Gecko too! You may be one of the 87% of gecko owners that will kill their geckos in the first two years of their lives! Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

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How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko
Click Image For Full Story!

"Amazing! Discover Life Saving Leopard Gecko Secrets You Can't Find Anywhere Else On The Internet, Including Secrets Which Can Double Your Leopard Gecko's Life!"

Dear Leopard Gecko lovers,
If you want your Gecko to live up to three times longer and have a happier life, then this will be the most important message you read all year!

Did You Know?

* Leopard Geckos in captivity can live up to 25 years
* But most Leopard Geckos die very young (1..3 years) because their owners don't treat them right.

Are you making these six deadly (for your Gecko) mistakes?

* Do you feed your Leopard Gecko improper amounts of prey and supplementation?
* Do you forget to change the UV lamp every several months?
* Do you use a heat rock instead of providing proper temperature gradients?
* Do you keep your Leopard Gecko dry instead of providing adequate moisture?
* Do you use Gravel on the floor (which is a BIG no-no)?
* Do you hesitate to take your Leopard Gecko out of the terrarium?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions - your Leopard Gecko is in BIG trouble. But, don't worry this is not your fault, because ....

Nobody has ever took the time to show you the right way to raise and care for your Gecko....
But finally someone has..... I personally know what it feels like to lose a gecko and believe me its not fun. So, to save other gecko owners (like yourself) from having to endure the same pain that I went through, I have spent months upon months perfecting a simple system that will ensure the best health and happiness for your gecko.

Most pet Leopard Geckos die at 1-3 years of age (or earlier) - even if their owners are trying to take good care of them!

Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

Unfortunately information found on the internet or seen in ads for Gecko care products are often flawed and can be extremely dangerous for your pet. You can find terrible advice even in books and videos. For example, many Leopard Gecko care guides advise you to keep your baby gecko on sand. This may seem fine, but they will frequently end up dying from impaction (clogged organs). Do you want this to happen to your Leopard Gecko?
Taking care of your Leopard Gecko and keeping it alive and healthy is

Really think about this for just a second: your Gecko's life is in your hands. Don't you think it is only fair to discover exactly how to keep him happy and healthy? After all, your Gecko is like your baby. It is practically part of your family.

The good news is that we have solved this problem for you.
We've done all the work for you!

We've gone through the trouble of putting together an informative and ultimately life-saving course on Leopard Geckos care called "Seven Secrets to Save your Geckos life".

Up until this point, caring for your gecko and keeping him alive and healthy used to be a struggle. THIS SYSTEM REALLY DOES MAKE IT EASY. It’s perfect for beginners and even highly developed gecko owners. You'll know exactly what to do in every situation and you'll keep your gecko alive and healthy for years and years never having to worry about illness or death.

We've broken down this life saving course into 9 easy to understand parts:
We've Browsed through all the thick books for you and searched out the most important and relevant information. We then took all the compiled information and condensed it into easy to read, simple (just 2 pages each) action reports. Each report has clear instructions showing you exactly what to do in each case.

Below are the action report topics:
* Feeding
* Egging
* Breeding
* Health
* Tank set-up
* Exercise
* Heating, lighting, Temperature
* Sexing
* Early sighs of illness
* How to prevent and treat illness
* Shedding
* Tail loss
* Flooring

Over 100 highly qualified gecko owners have contributed to this amazing system...
This course is unlike anything that you will ever find in stores. " Seven Secrets To Save your Gecko's Life" is like getting a "backstage pass" to the real world of Geckos. You'll uncover all kinds of exciting tips ...

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll uncover:
Find out if your gecko hates you....
How to stop your gecko from dying an early death.....
How to Make sure your gecko stays happy and healthy.....
How to pick the perfect gecko for you....
What substrates (flooring) can kill, and which are gecko friendly......
What to feed your leopard gecko to keep him alive for years......
The secret trick to prevent nipping.....
What to do if your gecko feels cold......
If your gecko getting enough exercise......
What it means if your gecko is turning white.....
The secret way to handle leopard gecko's.....
The perfect way to set up your terrarium....
Every thing you need to own a gecko....
How to treat almost any leopard gecko illness....
The 10 question you MUST ask the dealer before purchasing
The Secret signs that show the early stages of illness and how to treat them...
The corrected way to treat a dropped tail....
How to prevent malnutrition.....
How to ensure your gecko sheds successfully...
the secret temperatures Leopard gecko's love....
The secret number of males to females to ensure happy geckos....
What you must do to their prey before they feed....
How to ensure you gecko gets all the nutrients it needs....
What Kind of Prey leopard geckos LOVE....
How to care for new born leopard geckos....
What never to feed leopard gecko's....
What signs prove good health....
The importance of handling leopard geckos....
The Pros and Cons of having a male Leopard gecko....
What never to do to a leopard gecko egg....
How to keep prey from escaping ....
Secret tips that could save your gecko's life....
What to do if your leopard gecko doesn't shed properly...
The secret formula to feed prey that will provide your gecko with over 50% more vital nutrients then regular prey...

And Much, Much more!

Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

But that's not all, in the NEW revised version, you'll also receive all of these incorporated BONUSES ($47.88 value FREE!) :

Bonus Chapter: Taming your Gecko

($14.98 value...FREE!)
People often forget that leopard geckos are wild lizard and will obviously not feel comfortable with humans. Up until this point taming your gecko and getting him used to your presents used to take months and sometimes even years. But now after years of trial and error we've finally uncovered the most effective and quickest way to tame leopard geckos. With this *proven* process you'll now be able to tame your gecko in NOT years but only weeks. That's right we can guarantee that this secrets process will enable you to tame your gecko in just 30 days or... less.

Bonus: Two Daily routine chart

($12.66 value...FREE!)
These are two *Proven* daily routine charts, that have undergone years of research and testing. Each chart tells you exactly what to do for every day of the week. So you never have to worry about forgetting anything because we've done all the work for you. These simple formulas are absolutely fool proof, all you have to do is to remember to follow each days simple instructions. But that's not all, the best part is that these charts will also ensure healthy growth rates as well as ensure your leopard gecko a 20 year life or longer!

Bonus: A complete list of every thing you'll need

($7.77 value...FREE!)
For most gecko owners, especially beginner gecko owners, finding all the products you'll need to maintain a healthy and happy leopard gecko can be quite challenging. So we have complied This complete list of every thing you'll ever need to own a gecko. This list comes complete with diagrams and photos of each product as well as were to find all of the products online at the cheapest prices!

Bonus chapter: Capturing lost leopard geckos

($12.47 value...FREE!)

How to safely catch your leopard gecko if he/she ever escapes
Leopard gecko's will only live up to a week after escape! the worst feeling in the world is to lose your pet and not be able to find it. So, to save you from days of worrying we have created this..... *Proven* 100% safe gecko trap to catch any leopard gecko overnight......Guaranteed!

It comes complete with:

*Step By Step instructions.....
*Complete Diagrams.....
*And explanation of use......

P.S. I have personally captured over 6 gecko's with this system

This Isn't like any of those other boring manuals you find at book stores, Libraries or Internet

This book Is....

Presented in plain, easy-to-understand language-with no frustrating and complicated instructions - this instructive system will teach you everything you need to know to Keep your gecko alive and healthy without injury or illness. You’ll learn all the basics... How to prevent illness, what never to do, What to feed, what substrates (flooring) can cause death and which are gecko friendly, what to do in every situation and much more. It's incredibly user-friendly. All the information is written in clear, to the point lessons, so you can learn at your own pace and not feel overwhelmed or rushed.

People might start calling you "The Leopard Gecko Whisperer" when they see how............... happy, healthy and loving and your gecko is!

Your Leopard gecko will be so relieved when he can finally feel 100% safe in your Protection because of the easy new training breakthrough.

here's is what people had to say:
Sadly my leopard gecko (Frankey) died 3 months ago from lack of vitamin D3 supplement (MDB). Her death was terrible I thought I knew what I was doing but apparently not. Since then I have read this book and purchased a new gecko (Frankey Jr.) and he's doing great. Thank you so much.. I've a learned a ton


Devin K

Edmonton, Alberta


Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

OH MY GOD.. This book is possibly the best gecko book I've ever read, it taught me every thing I needed to know and more. I can't even express how happy I am. The information in this book is easily worth double what your charging at least. You've taught me allot, more than anything else I've ever read on the internet. Once again I just want to say how thrilled I am to have bought this book.

Colton C,

I've got one word for this was amazing. I can't even image how long it would have took to compile all of this valuable information. It answered all my question. when I first purchased my gecko I was very worried about the possibility of early death, but this AMAZING book has took away all my fears.

Thanks a bunch
Carl the Gecko guy

Sydney, Australia
Until I read this book I didn't realize how much I was doing wrong. If I would have carried on doing what I was doing Greg (my gecko) would have probably died by now! All I can say is thanks, you probably saved my gecko's life. And that means allot to me, Greg is practically like part of the family.

Haley J.

New York,


YOU SAVED MY GECKO'S LIFE! Up until I read this book I didn't know that the temperature was too high all this time (to the left is a picture of Jewels). She got sever thermal burns from the heat lamp. But luckily after doing what you said I was able to save her, but it was close.
I would definitely recommend this book to any gecko owner or soon to be gecko owner!

Thank you, Dave D. US

"I wish I had something like this when we first brought our Gecko home"

Most of this information in this Training system you cant find anywhere on the internet...and the information you could find would take months to collect...and I'm speaking from experience. Remember we've sifted through all the of the information taking out the bad and leaving the good. We've left you with pages of pure dynamite!

If you really love your Gecko - don't delay. Order your copy of "Seven Secrets to Save your Gecko's life." There is a lot of true experience in this course. Other owners have suffered through the death or disease of their Geckos - but you don't have to. For just a very small toll you will get all the experience and research summarized for you and delivered in a concise and entertaining manner.

All of the Gecko tips, techniques and secrets are revealed in plain conversational you don't have to be an "Gecko scientist" to understand them. It's truly one-of-a-kind info that you won't find anywhere else. And the best part is.....

You could be reading it in 90 Seconds!

Yes, the entire system "Seven Secrets to Save your Gecko's Life" is downloadable . As soon as you place your secure order, you'll have instant access to it.

We were told that we should price "Seven secrets to Save your Gecko's Life" at $100. And we probably will charge that much, but as part of this new "Internet Introductory Offer" you can buy it today for only $19.97 .

That's Less then a quarter of the regular price !!
But to Guarantee that your absolutely thrilled with your decision and ensure you'll have NO regrets....

" Today only Friday, May 01, 2009 You Also Get An Incredible $31.77 Instruction manual to create TWO Virtually self sustaining food sources... that can't be found anywhere else on the internet or even in other books, For absolutely..... FREE!

That's right....If you decide to preview "Seven Secrets to Save Your Gecko's life" Today, then you'll also get instructions for: TWO virtually self sustaining food sources...FREE ! ($31.77 Value) In this special manual, you'll learn step-by-step exactly how to create two virtually self sustaining food sources (that will supply your gecko with food for MONTHS). So forget having to waste loads of money on prey, because instead of having to buy prey every week, now you'll only have to do it every three months . Just think of the money you'll save, from not having to spend a fortune on prey. Within just 4 months time you'll pay for the entire system and more! ......Over time you may even be putting hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars back into your pocket!

Is it worth it to pay just a few dollars to keep your gecko from dieing an early death?
You be the judge. You'll take absolutely no risk with my:

60 Days, No Questions Asked 100% Guarantee!

"Download the training system and try what you've learned. If you're not Amazed at how happy, healthy and more well behaved your gecko becomes, I don't deserve your money. If you're not 100% satisfied with the breakthrough e-book for any reason or no reason at all, I insist you contact me and I'll generously issue you a full refund and you can keep the Book and Gifts for FREE. I firmly stand behind this product and I know that if you just try my system..

"your gecko will become healthier than ever!"

"and You'll earn his trust and love in no time at all!"

You have absolutely no risk...and everything to gain! You'll be thrilled with "Seven Secrets to Save your Geckos Life"...and you'll be overjoyed by how much fun it is to have a happy, healthy, and well-behaved Gecko as a companion.

So, what are you waiting for?

If you're thinking of buying a gecko or have but your worried about the potential for injury or death, here’s the one system for you, it will teach every thing you need to know, Answer all of your burning questions, Teach you what to in every situation, how to keep your gecko alive and healthy for years and teach you the secret to create an instant loving bond between you and your gecko!

This is the one thing you must have to ensure your Gecko stays alive and Healthy, you owe it to yourself to Learn the secrets that will save your gecko's life.

Don't wait until its too late Order now and discover how much your gecko can love and the relief of knowing your gecko is always safe!

Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

Wishing you and your Leopard gecko
years of fun and happiness.


Riley D. S. Laughren

Proud owner of "Freckles", a 11 year old leopard gecko

Click Image For Full Story!
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko
Click Image For Full Story!

P.S. - Remember, you'll get the "Seven Secrets to Save you gecko's life" e-book system and the free special bonus manual: "For TWO Virtually self sustaining Food Sources" And the instructions to "100% safe gecko trap...To catch any gecko Overnight" , "Two Daily routine charts" and , and instruction manuals for "TWO virtually self sustaining food sources" All for or only $100.00 $19.97. Costumers have told us the price is to low so it will likely be going back up in a few days, so to secure the price and reserve your copy at only $19.97, you must order by midnight Friday, May 01, 2009 .

P.P.S. - You also have 60 days to review the system and if your not completely satisfied You can easily get a full refund and keep the book an bonuses FREE. You take absolutely no risk. So once again, I have to ask you: What are you waiting for?

Click here, and gain instant access to The Breakthrough system

Email us at:

Follow This Link For Full Story, and Benefits of Knowing:
How To Care For Your Leopard Gecko!

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