Sunday 19 April 2009

Eliminate Childhood Obesity: Help your child have a bright and happy future

Don't wait till its too late! Help your child have a bright and happy future right now!

If you could do something to prevent your kids from struggling, wouldn’t you?

Not many parents can stand the thought of just standing by and watching their kids suffer. However if you don’t help your kids in keeping their weight under control, you are contributing to their struggle.

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Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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So do something now—help your kids in battling childhood obesity.

Don’t be a statistic and contribute to your child’s obesity problem—be part of the solution.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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Dear Friends,

Childhood obesity continues to grow and that means that more kids suffer from the health problems created by being overweight.

It’s important to recognize that the problems associated with childhood obesity run deeper than just weight issues. An overweight child can often signal major health problems now and later on in life.

The implications of obesity in childhood are astounding. Obese children often suffer from depression, poor self esteem, and have trouble fitting in or making friends.

Parents truly want the best for their children, and helping with weight management and providing a healthy lifestyle are important ways to give your kids just that.

You don’t want your child to be one of the numbers. You don’t want your family to struggle with the very difficult problem of childhood obesity. You CAN do something about it.

If childhood obesity has hit your family, it’s not your fault. It’s not too late to do something and often just requires a little bit of education and preparation. You can do this—and you MUST do this for your kids.

Kids don’t become obese overnight; it takes time and a life full of bad habits to make them that way. You as the parent have the ability to change those bad habits now—help is on the way.

A sedentary lifestyle with too much time spent in front of the television is a culprit. So are convenience foods and meals that don’t offer proper nutrients. You just need help in turning around the bad habits that your family has now and replacing them with the right alternatives.

You may recognize that your family doesn’t eat well, but don’t know how to change that. You may recognize that your family doesn’t get enough activity, but don’t know how to get more in.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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Change takes time! They say that to develop a new habit, it takes at least three weeks of regularly practicing it. Healthy eating and regular exercise can become habit and regular occurrences with your family. It just takes time and diligence.

You may think that if your child isn’t overweight now, you have nothing to worry about. Take control as the parent and you can ensure that healthy habits mean your child never has to worry about falling victim to the childhood obesity epidemic.

So are you ready to take control and offer your kids the chance at a better life?

The team at ECO has developed an E-book that will deliver the results you desire no questions asked!

Though there are other options out there that offer to help you manage childhood obesity in your household, what makes ours special is that it is written from a first hand perspective. This e-book is written by parents for parents and offers real world advice and solutions.

To be truly successful in battling childhood obesity you need to make a lifestyle change for you and the entire family. This E-book will lay out the very manageable steps that are effective and quite easy to implement.

The rate of obesity in the United States alone has doubled since the 1970’s.

A rather staggering statistic that makes you realize that you as a parent need to be in tune with how to prevent your family from falling prey to this epidemic.

Perhaps your child isn’t overweight and you don’t think that childhood obesity affects your family. The reality is that one third of children today are at risk of being overweight. Even if your child isn’t overweight right now, if you don’t do something now you may have big problems later.

Our E-book will provide tips for families currently struggling with childhood obesity, and for those that want to work hard in preventing this epidemic from hitting their household.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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If you instill the right habits now, the chances that your kids will make the right food and exercise choices later on grow exponentially.

It need not be painful—simple changes to your family’s lifestyle can make a big difference in the here and now and throughout your child’s entire life.

The actions you take now can save them from major health problems later on.

The recipe for success is simple in theory—less calories and more exercise. Simple in theory, but how can you achieve that as a parent? We can help!

Sometimes you just need a framework by which to lead your kids in the right direction. We provide that and get you started with making the right choices leading to better health for everyone.

Do you need a jump start? Do you need to know what will help to prevent or control childhood obesity in your family? We have the answers.

You can see how to seamlessly make the right food choices for your family.

You can understand how to easily incorporate exercise into your family’s routine.

It’s not hard; it just requires planning and organization as a parent. We can help you to achieve that!

This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are so many more great ideas and tips with full detail in our E-book.

Exercise shouldn’t be a chore, and if you make it fun then your kids are far more likely to stick with it.

Exercise can benefit your kids in so many ways:
• Create an active rather than sedentary lifestyle
• Get the heart pumping and increase blood flow to the body
• Drop weight and improve health conditions

We go through all of the ways in which exercise can help to create a healthy lifestyle and even help to prevent or control health conditions. You never have to worry about your child’s sedentary lifestyle again—we give you the answers to how you can increase exercise for your children.

Understand how you can create the recipe for success with exercise and healthy eating. After reading some tips you will become an expert and have a plan that works for your family.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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We want to help you with our first hand experience and expertise with controlling the problem of childhood obesity. We can offer you the advice and tips that have proven to be effective with other families in your very predicament. You can become the statistic for a healthy lifestyle in no time!
Not convinced: Check out what our customers have to say:

Client Testimonials

Now you know what our clients think of us, but how do you know you are getting quality with the ECO team?

Well that is easy, test us out, download your free copy of the ECO quick tips guidebook.

Go on. Click here to DOWNLOAD NOW!

We are sure that now you have read our free quick tips guide you will be motivated to take action, but first,we want to ask you a question.

Can you really put a price on your child’s well being?

The good news is that our e-book won’t break the bank, but it will give you valuable information that you can use to change your family’s life.

For the low cost of $40 we can provide you with all the answers you need to really turn your family’s life around.
With a small investment in your family’s future, you will have the tools to create a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

We at ECO are so dedicated to this cause that we want to give you a special added bonus when you purchase our E-book.

We want to take the pressure off you in the kitchen, which is why when you purchase “A parent’s guide to eliminate childhood obesity” you will receive the “ECO guide to meal time”

That’s correct. You will receive a free 7day guide of food plans and meal ideas. This bonus is yours once you purchase the e-book and will take the question out of “what’s to eat”.

Please act now; this is a limited time offer. Please be quick.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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You can be the difference in your child’s life and you can provide them with everything they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You can take control and be sure that childhood obesity doesn’t loom over your household. Download our E-book and learn how you can be the one to get your kids on track.

Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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Now it’s time to eliminate any doubts. This decision is an easy one as we have eliminated all of the risks!

Childhood obesity is a scary epidemic, there’s no doubt about it. Whether you are living with the effects of this epidemic in your own home or want to do something now to prevent it, you need to know the right things to do. We have written our E-book from a firsthand perspective as parents who understand what it takes to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. It will require some dedication, organization, and diligence, but you can do this. You have to do this for the well being of your child!

Don’t let your child become another statistic for childhood obesity. Make the change now to healthier eating habits and incorporating regular exercise into your lives. It doesn’t have to be painful and it can be fun. You can take control and make a better life for your children—and we show you how! Our E-book is full of tips, advice, and real life examples that can make your family healthier and keep them that way. After all, isn’t your job as a parent to take the very best care of your children possible?

I wish you and your children the very best in the future.

Kind Regards

Joshua Smith
Eliminate Childhood Obesity

PS: We are a team of parents who understand the extent of childhood obesity, and more important how to prevent it. Take it from us, you can take control and through the easy tips and real life experiences, we will teach you how.

PPS: Childhood obesity doesn’t have to be an epidemic in your life. Our E-book will teach you how to prevent this from happening to your kids and how to get them well. We are unique in that we are real life parents who know what it takes to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle for our kids. We can teach you from the experience we have gained!

PPS: If you act now you can get things under control quickly! If you act now, you will benefit through our very own customized eating plan to help you get things moving and allow you to make the right choices now. Yours free if you order our E-book now.

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Eliminate Childhood Obesity
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