Monday 20 April 2009

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

"Is There a Child in Your Life Stricken by the Physical Pain and Emotional Anguish Every Time He or She Looks in the Mirror?

"After Years of False Hopes and Phony Cures, the ’Secret Weapon’ to Incinerating Obesity in the Most Afflicted Children Has Finally Been Constructed -- Discover How it Can Assassinate Even the Most Stubborn Obesity Right HERE, Right NOW!"
These Ultra-Powerful Techniques and Remedies for Relief Are Drastically Slashing Obesity Rates Around the Globe!

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Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Re: Avoiding Childhood Obesity

From: Ginger Braemar

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Dear Parent,

The other day I was chatting with a friend about our children. Let me ask you something...

You remember how mean schoolchildren were towards the ‘chubby‘ kids back when you were in school, right?

Now, fast-forward to 2009...

Where the kids are less patient, less forgiving and a hell of a lot less remorseful.

Where bullies are rampant around schools tormenting unsuspecting and defenseless victims, purely because of their weight, for example.

Where the child you LOVE has become the target of these heart-breaking insults.

Not to mention those awkward stares...

Don‘t Make Your Child Suffer Through Another Day of Cruel Bullying or Finger-Pointing -- Discover How YOU Can Help Take the Steps To a Slimmer Life Today!

How do you learn the things you must learn?


What do you need to research?

Valuable information!

Where do you find this valuable information?

Well, right here as a matter of fact .

To tell you the truth, "valuable information" is a serious under statement.

You could really learn a valuable lesson here today, and you can do it instantly.

That is because within seconds from now you could be downloading the most comprehensive digital manual on childhood obesity.

Nowhere else on the net (or off the net for that matter!) even dares to come as close as we do by cramming everything there is and isn't to know - nothing is unimportant.

Only difference is, we leave out the useless, garbage, "filler" as I like to call it.

We get straight to business, here, have a look...

Most of us that suffered as an obese Child, just didn't know better!

Did you take a good look at my profile picture I use below?

I am living proof of what I teach! My picture in the header of this website, I was way younger when my children were babies but took action once I noticed we all were heavier than normal. Not only did my adorable chlidren lose weight and get physically fit, I did also since we were eating from the same table and doing the same things. It is a life style change and I feel more happier today than ever before, You can see that I have aged gracefully in the picture above and you can too by doing a few simple things that I teach in my ebook!

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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I’ve witnessed tears swell in the eyes of obese children victimized by cruel bullies at school, but emotional anguish is just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll see what I mean when you thumb through the heart-stopping “Danger List” of more than 40 life-changing diseases that begins on page 4 and can affect any obese person…even children

ALERT: Your son or daughter’s obesity could be cultivating any one of the 6 types of cancer exposed on page 5 -- turn there NOW to discover why just being obese is all these “Silent Killers” need to breed like rabbits!

The risk of developing the ruthless condition revealed on page 8 is 5 to 6 times greater for obese Americans…are YOU ready to tell your child that he is one “Big Mac” away from a fatal heart attack?

When junior steps on the scale, it may LOOK like he’s only a few pounds overweight…but if you flip to page 15, I’ll show you how to use an included doctor-invented chart to instantly gauge the health consequences that just a few extra pounds can inflict on growing children!

The Surgeon General is quaking in his medical scrubs over the recently-released figures and statistics beginning on page 17 that are exposing just how unbreakable the grip of this sweeping epidemic is among every-day people -- just like you!

The CDC is sending shockwaves throughout the medical community with their recently-released study discussed on page 19 that pinpoints the 7 things obese kids do -- and don’t -- do!

Why do people -- especially emotionally fragile kids -- have to get fat, anyway? I’ll answer that question and many others when we meet-up on page 24, where I’ll unmask the single component found in ALL foods that is the culprit of nearly EVERY case of obesity…

…And I’ll employ a simple, every-day analogy that will make you an expert on its fat-packing “Mode of Action” that is sinking your child into physical and emotional misery!

You may have heard that building muscle CAN make a difference -- whether good or bad -- in fat loss. For the bottom-line answer that is backed by straight-science, flip to page 27 where I’ll explain how even the most miniscule bit of muscle can have dramatic effects on weight loss!

Low-carb, high-protein, and all sorts of zany-sounding diets have sparked a dieting craze among Americans desperate to lose weight -- but are they running in circles?

Once you’ve armed yourself with the protein and carbohydrate knowledge passed-down on page 28, you’ll know whether they‘re shallow fads…or fat-incinerating miracles!

Just what is the “Simple Equation” scribbled on page 31? It’s the clinically-proven secret to effortlessly balancing your food in-take and activity levels to overhaul your metabolism into a fat-melting MACHINE!

The 3 types of foods discussed on page 35 are praised by nutritionists for their amazing biological abilities to ignite the release enzymes that stop hunger in its tracks…and YOUR child probably ISN'T eating a single one!

Portion sizes for almost all pre-packaged and restaurant-prepared foods have ballooned to mammoth proportions during the last few years…but the 6 “Kid-Favorites” singled-out on page 37 are more enormous than any of them!

…And speaking of portions, are you guilty of making the glaring mistake many others have made when “eyeballing” food serving sizes? You could be wolfing-down double -- or even TRIPLE -- the amount of calories you think you’re eating!

If you think “density” is a concept you only learn about in chemistry class, then you owe it to yourself to zoom to page 38, where I set my crosshairs on the belly-bulging tactics coveted by the food industry for cramming countless calories into the smallest amounts of foods!

One of the most effective ways to knock fattening, high-calorie foods out of your child’s diet is to cook food yourself…and if your day is packed simply non-stop with work and other responsibilities, then I wrote these 5 lightning-fast, home-cooking tips and tricks just with you in mind! (p. 39)

Slip a copy of page 43 into your child’s book bag before they take off for school so that they can see how making just ONE change in the kitchen can stimulate them to assist you in cooking the healthiest of foods -- even if they’re totally hooked on junk food!

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Anyone who raises kids will agree: getting them to be physically active can be like moving mountains -- but not if you implement the 4 fast-acting techniques on page 45 designed to engage even the most stubbornly stationary families in hip-slimming physical activity!

Kids are like dogs -- they’ll do almost anything for a reward! But frustrated parents know that kids won’t exercise for just any reward…and that’s exactly why I came to their rescue with an ingenious point-based system revealed on page 47 that is “expertly designed” to motivate children with an irresistible incentive!

The saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” is especially true when it comes to getting lazy kids off the couch, so set a positive example with page 48’s 5 simple methods for sneaking in exercise into the most hectic schedules -- you might even slim-down yourself!

Even the most well-meaning children will probably complain about exercising, but if you make any of the 8 simple adjustments to their daily routines described on 49, they‘ll be scratching their heads all day long as they wonder why they suddenly feel and look so much better!

If childhood obesity could be wiped-out with simple exercise and healthy eating, it wouldn’t be such a widespread epidemic. That’s why the kids who resurge as lifetime winners in the “Battle of the Bulge” also practice the 7 simple habits unveiled on page 53!

You can’t control your child’s actions 24/7, but if you open the back-door to their brain and infuse it with positive influence using the “Mental Manipulation” tactics on page 60, they’ll always make the healthiest decisions any time they’re out of sight!

Are YOUR kids eating the metabolism-revving foods discussed in my healthy eating guide on page 61 that includes delicious meal tips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with foods that any dietitian would applaud?

I wished my parents or someone would of shared this information with me as a teenager!
"There Are Many Golden Nuggets of Useful Information Inside Your Very Own Personal Copy of 'Avoiding Childhood Obesity!'"
Value $47.00

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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So I'm assuming you'll agree on the importance of this subject.
The subject of childhood obesity.
I mean, it's not a subject you can just take lightly.
You can't just sit there and doodle about.
Imagine six days, six weeks -- even six years into the future.
Can your child bear the pain that much longer?

More importantly, obesity is a progressive condition that will make your child bigger and bigger with every passing week as it spurs even more health problems.
"Check Out What Others Are Saying About, 'Avoiding Childhood Obesity' Below!"
" I found the information in your book, Avoiding Childhood Obesity, very valuable"


While my children don't currently have a weight problem, many of my family members do, and I am concerned about what to do to ensure that my kids continue to be slim and healthy.

I found the information in your book, Avoiding Childhood Obesity, very valuable. Understanding the key causes of overweight children, and learning how to help my kids make healthy food choices are, I think, the most important things your book did for me and my kids.

Thanks Ginger,

Johnny Cartwright

"This book offers suggestions of simple changes any parent can make to ensure they're giving their child the best start possible in life.."
Helllo Ginger,

What are we doing to our children? We have to stop setting the next generation up for all the health problems that are so clearly described in "Avoiding Childhood Obesity". As a fellow author and advocator of natural food and healthy living, I congratulate Ginger Braemar for bringing this sensitive issue to the forefront. This book offers suggestions of simple changes any parent can make to ensure they're giving their child the best start possible in life.
Thanks Ginger,

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Helen Anderson

"Testimonial headline goes here (grab the most powerful thing your customer says about your stuff and paste that right here)."

This is your testimonial box.

Add your testimonials in their own boxes to separate them and increase their individual perceived value.

"Order Right NOW And I'll Give You This Valuable Gift Free..."

If you secure your copy of Avoiding Childhood Obesity today I will give you one of my best selling eBooks for free. I normally sell these product for $37.00 separately. But, today I want to encourage you to purchase this much needed product by adding this bonus. I'm giving you these free in thee hope it will encourage you to take advantage of my no-risk 60 day guarantee and make the right choice.

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Value $47.00

* Why extreme calorie restriction will make only make you fatter
* Why not all fats are bad for you, in fact you need them
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Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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"How Many More Pounds Will He or She Have to Gain Before You Decide to Take Action?"

Do you not realize the urgency of the matter?
Excessive body weight is associated with various diseases:

* Cardiovascular diseases
* Diabetes mellitus type
* Obstructive sleep apnea
* Certain types of cancer
* Certain types of osteoarthritis

Your child NEEDS this information and if that is not enough, obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy overall.

* Avoiding Childhood Obesity - $47.00
* BONUS: Exercise Without Effort - $37.00
* BONUS: Permanent Weight Loss - $47.00
* BONUS: Eight Ways to Get Your Spouse to Workout - $27.00

How much longer do you think you can go without it?
At $158.00 total for everything you've read about today, who are you kidding?
There's no point in me coming up with reasons, and assumptions and conclusions.
If your child's ego, health and well being (pretty much his/her whole LIFE) is not worth $158.00, barely the cost for a two day Hotel Weekend Stay... then please leave right now.
You are obviously at the wrong page! But you are not going to pay $158.00!!!
Make the right decision - and don't leave it too long. Special Introductory Price $29.95 Below for everything we just talked about! You only pay $29.95 if you order now!

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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I'm So Confident That
You Can Melt Away Your Child's Pounds
With Avoiding Childhood Obesity,
I'm Backing It With a

With a no risk guarantee like this, you have a full 60 days to try our program before you make any commitment?

With our no questions asked guarantee and you can keep the bonus, that is more than fair!

I work in the medical field and cannot urge you enough to download your copy now. So order Avoiding Childhood Obesity now and make this a turning point in your child's life for the better!

"Make A Small One Time Investment In
Your Child's Health That Will Give You
A Life-Time Of Rewards..."

How much are you willing to spend on your child's future health? $20? $50? Maybe $75.

Obesity is one of the leading PREVENTABLE causes of death worldwide and with rates of adult and childhood obesity increasing, authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

The choice is pretty clear if you took the time to read this. Take action and empower your child to have a brighter future...

Here's How to Order Right Now!
Click here for an instant download of this material now

Once your payment is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will have instant access to your ebook.

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Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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Ginger Braemar

P.S. You may have been holding out for a late growth spurt or some other natural phase to slim-down your child...Don't wait any longer, get this guide for just $29.95 now or you may regret it later!

...But it’s time to face the truth: there is no sudden growth spurt that is going to rescue him or her from obesity, and the condition will NOT go away on its own!

P.P.S. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee how long I can keep the price of this ebook down from $37.00 to the ultra low limited price of $29.95, so order quickly? We always begin selling our products very low for our members to take advantage of them and you can benefit from it, before it goes up!

Avoiding Childhood Obesity
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