Tuesday 24 March 2009

A parent and teacher resource to teach children the art of giving - Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit

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<br />Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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Learn to knit and knit for charity
A parent and teacher resource to help children learn to knit and why
to give.

In a world where children are exposed to much sadness and horror through the media, it may seem too much to further burden them with the plight of the many million abandoned children and AIDS orphans of southern Africa.

But children have boundless energy and are often deeply sympathetic towards other children in need, indeed people of all ages who may be suffering.

Much more disturbing for your children is not knowing how they can help others in a meaningful way.

As parents and teachers, teaching children sound values should be a primary responsibility.

A value that holds the human race apart is our desire to give to others in greater need than ourselves.

A case in point
Two days after the bush fire inferno swept through Victoria, just outside of Melbourne on February 7 2009, causing the worst every peace time disaster in Australia, two young girls in their early teens knocked at our door. They had been baking slices of chocolate cake all afternoon and were carrying tray loads to sell to raise funds for the then, newly formed, bush fire appeal. Apart from their initiative, it was their urgent need to do something in the face of so much human suffering that was so telling.

Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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"Can you imagine not having parents, a home, food to eat, a school to go to, a blanket to keep you warm?

We pose this question in the parent and teacher resource, in part to help create empathy in your children for the children in need who are living in these circumstances, but also to direct the efforts of this project to the last of their needs, being warm.

While it may be impossible for children of many ages to imagine a life devoid of love, shelter, education and food, most of us can imagine being cold or lying in a bed with no covers.

Global love
Knit-a-square knows that its goal, to provide tens of thousands of blankets for all these children, relies on the goodwill and generosity (global love) of the knitters and crocheters of the world. These great people are knitting and crocheting 8 x 8" squares to be sent to South Africa and Zimbabwe, where they will be made up into the blankets, and distributed, by designated charities.

In channeling the enthusiasm and wonderful energy of school aged children, this goal will be realised.

The rewards will far outweigh their efforts

By teaching children the value of giving, the rewards and benefits are numerous.
They will:

• be part of a global effort to send warmth to the abandoned children and AIDS orphans of southern Africa

• share in the joy of achieving a common goal through their combined efforts

• learn about giving and goodness

• feel empowered as they understand that their efforts do make a difference

• learn about, and connect to, those so much less fortunate then themselves

• be one of a team at home, while feeling part of a universal team.

Added to this, the knitting lessons within the resource will help them gain a life-long skill and a very useful craft.

Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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Potentially, the knitting project within this parent and teacher resource, has the power to involve your children in a life-long habit of caring and giving. The may also remain forever connected to the most devastated group of humans on our planet today, the nearly 15 million abandoned children and AIDS orphans of Africa.

‘I believe that this could very well be looked back upon as the sin of our generation . . . and our children 40 or 50 years from now are going to ask ‘what did you do while 40 million children became orphans in Africa?’

Richard Stearns, President World Vision USA

As a parent or teacher, you too will be involved, as you cannot be immune to the sheer scale of this tragedy while informing your children.By empowering them to make a difference, you too are making a difference.

It is more than just the act of knitting or crocheting a square to help make a blanket. It is the process by which you and your children accept the knowledge that we must ALL do something to help.

Your hands are among many that achieve so much

While the children can apply this knowledge to everything they do in life, the knitting lessons teach them the simple art of doing. One square is easy to do. Two or three is not much more difficult.

Every single square that is knitted or crocheted will be a part of a blanket that makes a cold child warm.

This attractively laid out and designed parent and teacher resource is 36 pages long, full of color photographs, evocative statistics and it is packed with information.

It aims to assist you in teaching children:

1. About the AIDS orphans – the sheer scale of this tragedy, and what being young, alone, and perhaps sick with HIV AIDS means in terms of their most basic needs

2. The history of giving – in particular knitting and giving

3. What people are doing about it – the charities who are working to alleviate the suffering of these children, in many different ways

3. How to knit – clearly illustrated knitting lessons on the four basics of knitting, casting on, knit and purl stitch and casting off. These steps will help children practice knitting 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) squares. They can then send their squares to Africa to be made into blankets for the children.

In addition there is information about:
• the history of knitting
• knitting and war
• men knitting
• the history of wool
• how children could form their own knitting group
• how to knit a Square Vest
• how to crochet a Square Vest
• how to felt a square.

your electronic copy of the Parent and Teacher Resource, for just $17.95.

The book is 5MgB, and will download in .pdf format, which you can view using Adobe Acrobat.

Within a short time you could have your child or your whole class learning the importance of giving by doing.

Harness your children's boundless energy, enthusiasm and inherent desire to help, to benefit the abandoned children and AIDS orphans of southern Africa.

Your children while appreciating their home, family and schooling, will also experience the joy and privilege of being able to give.

We greatly value and respect your feedback. Our goal is to help you, the parent and teacher, teach children about the AIDS orphan tragedy unfolding in Africa, giving by knitting and this project. If we can do more, please contact us at sandy@knit-a-square.com, with your comments about this Parent and Teacher Resource. Thank you.

Please subscribe to the Square Circle ezine which will bring you ongoing news about the blankets and the children who own them.

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<br />Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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