Tuesday 24 March 2009

Guide For Potty Training: Stop the Mess ...The Ultimate Guide For Potty Training.... "Get Rid of The Diapers Forever….. Potty Train Your Toddler!"

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Guide For Potty Training
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The Most Comprehensive Guide Available on the Market Today.....

From: Morgan Lee
RE: Get The Help You Need To Potty Train Your Child

Morgan Lee

Dear Fellow Parent:

his is an exciting time in your life and your child's life too! It's
time to start thinking about potty training. If the mere thought strikes fear in your heart.... rest easy.

You are a busy parent trying to juggle the responsibilities expected of you. How do you fit in potty training? The answer is easier than you think!

Let me start by saying this isn't one of those hyped-up systems that promises you can train your child in an hour.... a day.... or any time frame at all.

Every child is different and so called “foolproof” systems are not for everyone.... Sure they might work.... sometimes.... but not all the time.

You can spend a fortune on tons of 'how-to' books and find none of the advice works.... after you have already invested your hard earned money . I will address that later.... but rest assured.... the help I'm offering is no sure fire anything.... except for a sure fire winner .

You see.... the book I have for you.... ultimate ' Guide For Potty Training' offers practical advice that's been tested by real life people.... just like you .

When you start potty training your child everyone.... friends and family alike.... will be ready and willing to offer their experiences and expect you to follow their every word!

Let Me Tell You Right Now....
That Won't Work....

It really won’t. Just because your best friend’s kid responded well to treats and rewards during potty training doesn’t mean your child will.

Some kids just need praise and nice words....

Others require simple attention.... It’s easy to get caught up in well meaning advise.... But, as stated, every child is different and will respond to different techniques....

Imagine not having to change those yucky, smelly diapers ever again ....

Imagine taking a car trip with your child and not having to pack an extra bag loaded with diapers, wipes and whatever else you may need....

Imagine having the extra money to take that trip because you don't need to spend it on diapers....

Sound impossible? Well, it's not.... and it's time to get started ....

What I've done is take all the tips, tricks, and advice and organized it in an easy-to-read manual for everyone!

I won’t tell you if you do this it will definitely work.

That's because I don’t know if it will.... but what I will do is give you a sample of the wealth of information on the subject and let you make your own decision....

Many people struggle trying to decide if their child is ready to begin potty training....

I'll give you a sneak peek into the pages of this amazing guide.....

Guide For Potty Training
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To Help Determine If Your
Child Is Ready........

Ask Yourself These Questions.....

Does (s)he tell you when his/her diaper
needs changing?

Is (s)he dry after taking a nap?

Does (s)he understand the words “poop”
and “pee”?

Does (s)he watch you or a family
member use the toilet and ask questions?

Does (s)he pull his/her pants up and down
by themselves?

Does (s)he want to please you?

If any of these are true of your child, it may be time
for potty training to begine....

There are many more indications that your child is ready but you’ll have to read the book to get them all!

Potty training is a very personal time for both parent and child....

Listening to your child and watching for tell-tale signs that they are ready for the big potty will determine your success or failure....

This Guide Will Tell You
What To Look For....

But even more than that.... I’ll give you advice on how to encourage your child with praise and rewards without going overboard....

Kids need encouragement.... often that means treats and prizes. Some parents will over-do it.... but you won’t!

The ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' will show you how to shower your toddler with praise and rewards without the temptation to do more than you should....

It will also provide you with some of the best terminology around to appeal to your toddler without inhibiting him/her to use the potty themselves....

Potty training doesn’t have to be a "dirty business ”....

It’s actually easier than you think – when you have the right tools....

What I'm Offering Is A Practical, Easy To Use Guide....

Everyone has advice for you... I’m no different....

But after re-reading this guide.... I realized this is the best advice around.... anywhere....

'Guide For Potty Training'

The ultimate guide for potty
training your child.....

And This Is Just A Sample Of The Wealth Of Knowledge You'll Get.....

Videos & books to help you along in the process

How to pick the perfect potty chair for your child

Tips for training while traveling

When the time is “right” for your child to start training

Staying dry at night

Altering your child’s diet for better bowel control

Addressing physical complications that may be

What’s even better about 'Guide For Potty Training' is.... I have put in some of my own advice after successfully potty training three children with a minimum of fuss.....

It wasn’t easy at first but really.... the whole potty business wasn’t as bad as it could have been....

I Can Show You What
Worked For Me....

Plus.... this guide is full of tips and tricks from real-life people who have been through potty training....

That means real advice from real people. But I want to stress that not all of this advice will work for you....

The best part is that some of it will!

You Owe It To Yourself To Read This Guide....

More than that.... you owe it to your child....

This can be an emotional time but it doesn’t have to be.... Potty training is a big step for both you and your child which is exactly why this guide can help you more than you know!

Guide For Potty Training
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Need a little more information? No problem!

This book also tells you about.....

Training a special needs child

Potty training multiples

Ways to help boys adjust to the potty

What to do when your child regresses

How to show your child good hygiene habits

And much, much more!

You could spend hours and hours surfing the Internet looking for this information....

You could buy hundreds of dollars worth of books on the subject....

Now You Don't Have To.... !

The ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' has it all. This guide was put together using advice from experts such as doctors, psychologists and real life Moms and is now offered to you! It’s mind-boggling.... really!

I struggled with what kind of investment I would feel confortable with.

After all.... I've taken the best tips and tricks and put them together in one easy-to-read guide.... You will find yourself returning to it for help time and again.

No matter how big, or small, your family grows you will always have your guide on hand to help.

I remembered just how much advice I needed during potty training and
realized I would have really appreciated getting the much needed advice at the lowest possible investment....

I could have asked $49.99 .... I could have asked $59.99.... because this book is worth it – but I just didn’t want to do that.

I realized that a one-time investment of $14.95 was more than fair....

When you order the ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' at the introductory investment of $14.95.... you will get the most comprehensive guide available for potty training your child with a minimum of stress and a maximum of satisfaction!

As you have seen.... this book is a wealth of knowledge ....

But don't just take my word for it....

Listen to what others are saying....

From: Jody Brightam
Vancouver, Canada

"You've given me more than one
'ah hah' moment with your sensible,
straight forward advice...."


Thanks so much for your wonderful book.

Reading your ' Guide for Potty Training' has taken all the worry out of potty training for me. Now that I know what signs to look for - the things Bella will do to show me she's ready to learn "to go Potty" - I can relax and enjoy the experience.

You've given me more than one ah-hah moment with your sensible, straight forward advice. I had to laugh when you talked about reading to your child while they're on the potty - my "bathroom" time is pretty much the only time I get to read my beloved magazines. It won't be hard for me to pass on the love of reading to Bella and what better time than "potty time".

You've thought of everything, covered every aspect of potty training and answered every one of the questions I've had not-so-quietly brewing in the back of my mind and some I hadn't even thought of yet.

I really enjoyed the tips from the "battle weary" as well. I've already made a list of my favorite ideas to put in practice when I start training Bella. I'm so glad I found your book!

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the 'Guide for Potty Training' to all parents about to face the challenges of potty training their toddler.

No more fear of the "potty".

Jody Brightam

'Success.... my daughter now uses the washroom at night!!....'

Hi Morgan,

I was having trouble getting my daughter to use the washroom at night. She would not give up her pull ups.

When I found your book and read the chapter on nighttime training it gave me so many options to try.

Success...After implementing some of the options my daughter now uses the washroom at night!!

Thanks Morgan!

Gladys Potter

"As a second time Mom I thought I knew most of what you were going to say but I was taken by surprise...."

From: Angel Lanning
Colorado Springs, CO

Hi Morgan,

Thanks for such an informative book. As a second time Mom I thought I knew most of what you were going to say, but I was taken by surprise with your chapter on diet. Thanks for covering this topic in such detail.

Your Friend,

Angel Lanning

And... To Make This Sweet Deal Even Sweeter... You Get...

Guide For Potty Training
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Bonus Gift... Included With Purchase...

'Parenting Skills - Make the Best Out of
Your Relationship With Your Child'

Real World Value: $12.95
Your Cost: $0.00

As a 'thank you' gift... when you order today you will also receive... at no extra charge... this book containing helpful tips on....

Communicating with your child

Establishing rules and sticking to them

Discipline... the good... the bad... & the ugly ...

Plus... Much, much more....

Just Look at the Value You Are Getting...

Retail Limited Offer

Guide for Potty Training $29.95 $14.95

Bonus - Parenting Skills $12.95 FREE

TOTAL $42.90 $14.95

By ordering today you will receive two ebooks worth $42.90 for only $14.95!! for a savings of $27.95 off the regular retail price.

Guide For Potty Training
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Why Should You Order This Guide?

It Comes With an Iron Clad 60-Day
Satisfaction Guarantee.....

And the second reason is because you are spending a ton of money on diapers and that needs to stop.... sometime before your child starts school!

Most people think diapers and pull-ups are part of the expense of raising a child.... and they are right....

However.... this guide tells us pull-ups and diapers need to be discarded when you begin potty training....

Get rid of them and get started right now! Use that extra money for something YOU want!

Where Else Can You Get A Guarantee Like That..!!

Nowhere! You have two whole months to look it over and if you think my book sucks.... you get your money back!

And.... you get to keep the book! That’s how confident I am you will find what you need inside....

When you click “Buy Now” your guide will be instantly delivered to your email In Box and you will be able to reference it any time.... day or night.... for years to come....

Feeling frustrated because your toddler wet the bed? No problem.... just look at the section on “Nighttime Training”....

Is your child refusing to use the potty after months of success? Read “Regression ” to ease your worries and get back on track....

There's Nothing to Lose.... Everything to Gain....

Right now your life consists of the nasty business of changing diapers.... how many times per day (and night)??

What it can be is.... a child who is now a 'big kid' and can use the potty all by him/herself.....

And no more expensive diapers to buy.... just think of what you can do with that extra money......

What will life be like if you do nothing?
Nothing changes.... diapers, diapers, diapers and more diapers .... It's totally up to you.... what do want your life to be like....?

Order the ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' for a very low, one time investment of just $14.95 right now....

Take 60 days to read it and.... please let me know what you think! I greatly value your feedback.... I’m pretty sure it’ll be everything you want..... and need to know!

If you are ready for success there really is nothing to think about.... click the order button below and get started .....

"Success is a journey, not a destination."
Ben Sweetland

Warmest Regards,
Morgan Lee

P.S. - It's time to start potty training and put an end to changing diapers forever... And ... just think of the money you'll be saving on diapers ....

P.P.S. -Remember that guarantee , dear parent.... You are taking absolutely NO RISK here! I’m that confident. Take your 60 days, put the advice to work and you’ll be well on your way to successfully potty training your child!

P.P.P.S. - Act Now .... Only the first 20 people who order will receive their copy at the low, one-time introductory investment of $14.95.....

Guide For Potty Training
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Morgan! I really want my very own copy of the ultimate 'Guide for Potty Training'.....

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Guide For Potty Training
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