Tuesday 31 March 2009

Bye Bye Bed Bugs: Finally . . . Discover THE Most Effective and Time-Proven Methods To Really Get Rid Of Blood-Sucking Bed Bugs From Every Crease.....

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Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Don't Even THINK About Reading This . . . Unless You're Ready for the REAL Truth About Bed Bugs and How To Kill Them Off!

Finally . . . Discover THE Most Effective and Time-Proven Methods To Really Get Rid Of Blood-Sucking Bed Bugs From Every Crease, Crack and Corner Of Your Living Space!

Even if you haven't yet experienced bed bugs, you'll learn everything you need to know to protect yourself against bringing them into your home!

Keyth Jordan - Bye Bye Bed Bugs

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Re: The Battle Against Bed Bugs

From: Keyth Jordan

Keyth Jordan - sig

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Dear Friend,

Over a half century ago, bed bugs were a huge and far-reaching problem that was eventually brought under control using some very harsh measures. Now decades later, they are back! Bed bug infestations are on the rise again, this time at break-neck speed.

I have witnessed first-hand the nightmare of what a bed bug infestation can cause . . . the physical toll, the disruption of day-to-day life as well as the emotional stresses of feeling so defenseless against their attacks. It's not a pretty sight.

Let me clue you in on a little secret . . .

The bed bug's natural instincts are to INVADE . . . INGEST . . . and INFEST! In other words, bed bugs can easily find their way into your home (in some of the most unsuspecting ways) . . . get fat on your blood . . . reproduce . . . . and so goes the cycle. That's one of the reasons they are relentless in honing in on their intended target . . . YOU!

Right now, blood-sucking bed bugs may be lurking
wherever you (or your children) sleep . . .
patiently waiting to make you their next meal
when you are most vulnerable!

The very thought of these six-legged "marauders" crawling into your bed could prompt some people to saturate their home with insecticides or throw out their mattresses or just consider moving out . . . Without a clear plan to determine the source of the outbreak, these reactions are not necessarily the best courses of action.

Imagine Knowing The Exact Steps To Take To Rid Your Home Of These Little Vampires . . . Saving You Time . . . Money . . . and Yes, Allowing You To Once Again Sleep In Peace and Safety!

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Good question. I mentioned earlier that I've witnessed the nightmare of a bed bug infestation . . . when my daughter and her children lived through it.

She desperately sought answers to help with their dillemma. Of course, I got involved in the research process and together we eventually discovered the safest, most effective solution for her and the kids.

But I shuddered at the amount of money, time and energy that was expended in the pursuit of the right guidance. As a consequence, there were far too many anxiety-filled, sleepless nights needlessly spent during the course of seeking help.

Just so you know . . . In my efforts to help my daughter and grand-children, I scoured scores of websites and forums, invested countless hours of reading articles, product reviews, even technical reports put out by the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC).

As a side note: During the course of my research, I was floored by three things (I dubbed them the GOOD, the SAD and the UGLY):

(GOOD) Thankfully there IS a fair amount of very good bed bug information, products and services to be found, especially on the internet. Although scattered among myriads of sites run by individuals and organizations rallying to inform and serve the public . . . it's good to see that there is indeed help out there (you just have to find it).

(SAD) Sadly, there are thousands and thousands of people, from all walks of life who are suffering through bed bug attacks . . . and the numbers are increasing rapidly. Another thing . . . without the proper preventative measures in place, bed bugs do not discriminate . . . they can invade and infest a luxurious, upscale apartment just as well as a humble farm house. No one is excluded.

(UGLY) Unfortunately, there are a "few" unscrupulous hucksters who are taking advantage of people's fear and panic by offering hyped-up products and services that turn out to be ineffective or sub-standard. That's why you need to be ever so careful to do your homework, especially when buying bedbug killers or hiring someone to exterminate.

My Daughter's Bed Bug Nightmare . . . Is Your Gain

When my daughter's nightmare was finally over, I decided to compile all my research into a single format that others could use. Carefully weeding out unfounded hear-say, product hype and technical jargon, I went a step further and connected with a well-respected Pest Control Expert who was willing to divulge several insider tips . . . And now I'm sharing all this with you!

Bye Bye Bed Bugs - eGuide cover
Bye Bye Bed Bugs
Discover What You Can Do To Live Bed Bug Free!

Wage War Against These Pesky Bloodsuckers . . . and WIN!

This no-fluff guide, complete with photographs, gets straight to the point and reveals a wealth of valuable facts, detection techniques and expert tips on how to get rid of bed bugs.

Even if you haven't yet experienced bed bugs, you'll learn everything you need to know to protect yourself against bringing them into your home!

So whether you're looking for ways to prevent a problem or you're currently going through the horror of bed bugs in your living space, you'll discover exactly what you need to know to live bed bug free. (It's the kind of guide I wish had been readily available for my daughter and grand-kids.)

Here's a little SNEAK-PEEK at what you'll find in Bye Bye Bed Bugs:

Discover why age old tactics don't work on today's breed of bed bug

Learn how to identify bed bugs (descriptions and bed bug pictures)

Become familiar with the tell-tale signs of bed bug activity (what you really need to look for)

Discover what happens when a bed bug bites (the physical reactions and possible side effects)

Explore the options between Do-It-Yourself Bed Bug Treatment vs Professional Help

Find out why your pets may not be safe

Get the facts about where bed bugs come from (and the sneaky way they can come into your home)

Uncover where bed bugs like to hide (places you'd least expect)

Learn the 5 crucial steps you must take to deal with a bed bug infestation head-on

Learn how to guard against bed bugs when you travel or stay at someone's home

Gain access to much more including "Handy Checklists"

Plus . . . take advantage of my BONUS: "Resources" Section

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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And The Best Part Is That You Can Download This Guide
And Have The Info You Need In The Next Few Minutes!

It's plain to see that "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" can impact your life almost immediately . . . but you don't have to take my word for it . . .

See What These Folks Have To Say About "Bye Bye Bed Bugs"

"...boy, am I grateful. I used the detection tips . . . followed the treatment type that was best for my situation . . . learned just what actions to take to avoid a future occurrence."

When I shared with a friend that I had awakened a couple of times with "mysterious" itchy patches on my ankles and feet, he off-handedly remarked, "maybe you have bed bugs." Well I freaked out at just the thought. I keep a very clean house and I can't stand creepy crawly things.

A very long story, short: I ended up getting a copy of your guide and boy, am I grateful. I used the detection tips you included, did what was neccessary and followed the treatment type that was best for my situation.

Additionally, I learned just what actions to take to avoid a future occurence.

Thanks so much,

Baychester, NY

"I especially appreciated the section in the back . . . This saved me a lot of time . . ."

Your guide offered solid, easy-to-understand information presented in a logical order I could follow.

I especially appreciated the section in the back with the list of online bed bug resources. This saved me a lot of time by leading me directly to other trusted sources.

Bobby L.
New York, NY

So What's All This Valuable Info Going to Cost?

This jammed packed, straight-to-the-point guide to getting rid of bed bugs is truly a one-of-a-kind resource that can't be found offline or online other than right here.

Bye Bye Bed Bugs with BONUS Resource section is valued at $47 . . . BUT as part of a marketing test I've been advised to conduct, if you ORDER TODAY, you'll receive an instant $20 Rebate!

Which means... Bye Bye Bed Bugs is yours, for a limited time, introductory price of: $27

". . . the tip on page 30 alone is more than worth the retail value of this guide."

I'm a Do-It-Yourself kind of guy and the tip on page 30
alone is more than worth the retail value of this guide.

I had heard that I could mix my own bedbug killer but apparently I didn't get the whole story. Page 30 opened my eyes and helped me avert a potential disaster if I had gone ahead without this knowledge.

Bayonne, New Jersey

You can order your copy of "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" and learn the most effective methods to prevent or completely eliminate bed bugs 1-2-3!

My Iron Clad 60-Day No Risk Guarantee

If you're not completely satisfied with "Bye Bye Bed Bugs," you have 60 days to ask for a full refund.

Now how is that for confidence that this guide will deliver what it promises?

I've removed 100% of your risk!

It sure would be great if everything came with a guarantee like this one, right?

So there's no excuse for delaying . . .

Remember . . . You Can Have This Valuable Information In Less Than 5 minutes From Now!

That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later. You can start reading "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" almost instantly!

It doesn't matter if it's 2 AM in the morning, you'll be downloading and reading "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" within a few minutes.

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Stop losing sleep . . . protect yourself and your loved ones from bed bug attacks.

Learn exactly what you need to do to live bed bug free. You can start reading Bye Bye Bed Bugs within the next few minutes . . . Simply click the ORDER BUTTON below to get your ($20 Off) discounted copy TODAY!

Warm regards,

Keyth Jordan - sig

Keyth Jordan

P.S. Either you have bed bugs and want to get rid of them or you don't have bed bugs (yet) and want to prevent getting them. Either way, can you afford NOT to find out the most effective methods to prevent or eliminate bed bugs? . . . Only you can answer that.

P.P.S. Don't forget, you have ZERO Risk! With my 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee, you can order risk-free through a secure order link. I'm so convinced that you'll be amazed at all the information I've managed to pack into "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" that I'm giving you 60 Days RISK FREE! Don't wait - Order today!

P.P.P.S. This current discounted price of $27 is for a limited time. After this marketing test, I will be raising the price of this valuable resource back up to $47. If you're serious about avoiding or annihilating bed bugs , Order Right Now and SAVE!

Bye Bye Bed Bugs - eGuide cover

Risk-Free Acceptance Form

Yes, Keyth! I want to know the Real truth about bed bugs and learn everything I need to know to protect myself (and my family) from their attacks. I don't want to spend sleepless nights worrying about these blood-sucking creatures crawling into my bed at night, especially when I'm most vulnerable. I understand that by ACTING TODAY . . .

. . . I get to take advantage of the limited time , instant $20 rebate and get my copy of Bye Bye Bed Bugs (Value $47) for only $27 !

. . . I will have access to this valuable digital guide within minutes from now!

. . . I have an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and I can receive a full refund if I am not fully satisfied.

It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and entering my payment information this instant

$47 Limited Time: $27

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