Monday 16 March 2009

Do You Know How To Save Your Dogs Life In An Emergency? Would You Like To Save Thousands Of Dollars In Vet Bills?

Find Out How The Amazing Story Of Derby's Brush With Death Can Teach You What You Need To Know About Your Own Dogs Health...

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How To Be Your Own Vet!
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From: Gaetane Ross,

Author And Animal Lover

Dear Dog Lover,

Back in the Summer of 2006, I was at my good friend Michael Matthews house. We where having a "doggy play day" as we normally do.

He had a boxer named Derby. Derby was one of the kindest and most well behaved dogs I had ever met. Michael is a fantastic owner and had taken care to make sure that Derby ate a balanced diet, was well trained, and got plenty of exercise.

On this particular day, Derby was energetic, like he normally was...

All of the sudden, Derby started panting heavily, and stumbling around like he was drunk. He laid in the grass, gasping for breath and looking like he was about to pass out...

For a moment we thought maybe he was experiencing heat exhaustion, it was a pretty warm Summer day. So we brought him inside the house to cool off...

About that time Michael's wife Sandy came home, and luckily for everyone involved, especially Derby, Sandy is a veterinarian.

We explained the situation, and she jumped up and gasped "That's not heat exhaustion!"

She ran to the kitchen, slammed open the cabinet doors, ran back out into the living room with some liquid in a little vial, poured the mixture down Derby throat, and...
Sandy Managed To Save Derby's Life!

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Derby, Alive And Well!

It wasn't until later that we found out Derby wasn't suffering from heat exhaustion at all, but was being poisoned by some dangerous chemicals that a worker had left near the fence in the yard next to Micheal's.

But this got me thinking about how lucky Michael and Derby where to have Sandy living with them, and how little I really knew about the health of my own dogs, and it really made me think...

What Would I Have Done In The Same Situation?

I really didn't want to think about it. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have known what to do. Sandy explained that Derby probably only had less than another 5 minutes for someone to administer a treatment for the poison before he would have gone into a coma and died.

I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to one of my dogs, and I really couldn't stand the thought of something happening while I looked on helplessly if there was a way I could step in and take control. So I asked Sandy...

Are There Any Good Books That I Can Read To Learn More About How To Take Care Of My Own Dogs?

In short, the answer was a resounding "no". While there are plenty of books on the market regarding dog health, dieting, and basic first aid, there was almost no information available on identifying specific health conditions or what to do in medical emergencies...

So Sandy and I set out to create a book that did just that... taught dog owners how to identify common illnesses, how to react in emergency situations, easy medical treatments from home, and never have to worry about feeling helpless when it came to the health of their dogs ever again...

With Sandy's experience as a vet, and my writing and research skills, we set out to put together the ultimate guide to dog health and in home medical care...

What You Need To Know About Your Dogs Health...

One of the reasons there isn't a whole lot of information regarding canine health is that it's extremely difficult for a veterinarian to put all of the different symptoms and possible treatment options into terms that are easy enough for the average person to understand.

Sandy and I decided that we should focus on the most common questions regarding dog health, here are a few ideas we came up with...

* Completely Cure Separation Anxiety, find out how on page 7...
* An Inexpensive surefire cure that stops diarrhea INSTANTLY, see for yourself on page 16....
* Want to stop fleas dead in their tracks without using harsh and expensive chemicals? We show how it's done on page 17...
* Worm treatments that WORK, without expensive medications... Find them on page 30...
* Do you know what to do if your dog is poisoned? This life saving information can be found on page 24... find what to do, and more importantly what to avoid at all costs when your dog is poisoned.
* Does your dog have seizures? Find out what to do, and even how to cure seizures, on page 29...
* A little known cancer treatment that works when traditional medicines fail... It may work for you, find it on page 12...
* Did you know that heat stroke is a very common cause of death in dogs? Find out how to avoid heat stroke, and how to treat it when it happens, on page 20.
* Life saving emergency techniques, these can mean the difference between life or death in an emergency, and you can find them on page 32...
* What would you do if your dog stopped breathing? The information on page 31 may save your dogs life...

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And that's just the tip of the ice burg...

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How To Be Your Own Vet!
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The "Owners Manual" That Every Dog Lover Needs To Own...

When Sandy and I sat down to create this book, that's exactly what our goal was... To create a comprehensive manual covering every single important aspect of dog health care, without having to be a Doctor to understand it...

That's why How To Be Your Own Vet has been designed to be easy to read and strait to the point. There's no complicated medical terms to wade through, and it's easy to navigate directly to the information that you're looking for, even in an emergency situation.

And It Saves You Money Too...

When we created the book, our intention was to give people information that could save their dogs lives, not to save people money. As it turned out though, people are saving thousands of dollars by putting this information to work.

It's pretty simple really. While some books claim "you'll never have to take your dog to the vet again" (I came across a few in my research) the truth is that you will still need to take your dog to the vet to perform immunization, vaccination, and for other serious medical conditions.

What I didn't realize at the time was how many people take their dogs into the vet or spend hundreds of dollars on medications when they don't have to.

There are hundreds of tips in How To Be Your Own Vet that can save you unneeded trips to the vet and avoid spending money on medications that you don't need...

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We Could All Stand To Save Some Money Right Now...

Consider the following...

* On average, it's going to cost you $135 to take your dog to the vet...
* Over the course of a year, you're going to spend over $300 on average in medical bills for your dog...

And that's not including expensive medications and understanding how to deal with emergency situations.

The information outlined in How To Be Your Own Vet will allow you to diagnose and treat your dog for many of the most common problems without going to your vet, and in turn you automatically save money on medical bills for your dog.

This Isn't About Money Though...

I set out to create this book because I never wanted to be in a position where something was wrong with my dog and I had to stand by helplessly...

And that's what this book is all about. If there's ever an emergency situation, you have an easy to follow action plan that will allow you to know exactly what's wrong with your dog, and exactly what you need to do... In certain situations this information is life saving...

You Don't Need A Medical Degree To Effectively Treat Your Dog From Home..

How To Be Your Own Vet was created for the average dog owner. Everyday people who love their dogs, but didn't spend 10 years going to veterinarian school.

From natural at home remedies used for treating everyday problems to life saving advice that every dog owner needs to have, we've made How To Be Your Own Vet the definitive reference guide regarding canine health.
LIMITED TIME BONUS... Easy To Follow Instruction To Train Your Dog To Do Almost Anything!

There is a limited time bonus being offered for How To Be Your Own Vet... We've included a bonus dog training guide that you can use to teach your dog how to do almost anything.

This easy to follow guide has a professional dog trainer walk you step by step through the process of training your dog, here are just a few of the amazing things you can learn...

Here's What Other People Are Saying About How To Be Your Own Vet...

Dear Gaetane,

I have just finished reading your book. What a "wealth of information". This book shows us how to care for our dogs on our own. It has such a down to earth approach to dog care, and makes the owner realize how much is expected of her/him to give care and attention on a daily basis. It's easy to read and has a very friendly approach to subjects that sometimes we'd rather not think of when it comes to serious problems with our pet. This is a real "Go To" manual for the "Do's and Don'ts" when it comes to our precious dog!. Well done!!!!

Coleen O'Connor
Chateauguay, Quebec


He Who Said '"YOU CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS " Well I have news for y'ALL. I am at the ripe old age of 80, and thought I knew it all concerning DOGS. WoW was I ever wrong.

I have calculated so far that I have saved three times the money for Vet services since we started applying the tips you mention. When I was a young Pupp, we used to raise dogs, wire-hair terrier, bull terriers, Boston terriers.and a few other breeds, so naturally we thought we knew it all .

Well I can't thank you enough for all the information you provide to help me with my dog.It was well worth the money. Thank you,thank dog thanks you too woof! woof!

John Chatelle


Your book has great tips and advice.. It's not too long and easy to read I Ilove it.
I needed some tips on what to do about my dog Dixie eating through my door! Well now I know what to do.Thanks to your advice. This is a most read guide.
Verdun, Qc

Are You Ready To...

* Always know what course of action to take in emergency situations... Life saving advice to combat almost any emergency medical situation that your dog may encounter...

* Stop using harsh and expensive medications and start using highly effective natural remedies that work from home to treat all of the most common dog problems, from fleas to diarrhea to the common cold...

* Save thousands of dollars in medical costs over the life of your dog by diagnosing and treating common diseases yourself...

* Make absolutely sure that your dog is the healthiest and happiest dog it can possibly be...

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Here's What You Get When You Download Be Your Own Vet Today...
Bonus: Dog Training Videos

Finally, everything you need to know about training your dog presented in easy to follow step by step video format!

* Don't Pay Outrageous Dog Training Fees!
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Retail Price: $49.95, Your's FREE! Just For Trying How To Be Your Own Vet today!

How To Be Your Own Vet: Your Home Guide To Learn How To Care For Your Dog And Treat His Health Conditions NATURALLY.

The definitive guide to taking care of your dog from home, and best of all you get to try it 100% RISK FREE!

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed...

I am so confident that this information will transform the way you think the health of your dog, that it will empower you take control and save your dogs life in emergency situations, and that it will be the best decision that you've ever made for your dogs health...

If you don't agree that this is information that no dog owner should be without, if it doesn't save you thousands of dollars in vet bills and allow you to save your dogs life in emergency situations, you shouldn't have to pay me.

Click Here and read more on How To Be Your Own Vet!

That's why I'm giving you a full 60 days to find out why so many people love How To Be Your Own Vet. If you aren't 100% satisfied for ANY reason, simply email me for a no questions asked 100% refund, and the bonuses are yours to keep.
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Since How To Be Your Own Vet and the bonuses are all digital files, you can receive immediate access, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and there's no need to wait for shipping.

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The files are easy to navigate, and you can read the information directly from your computer or print them out for easy reference, it's completely up to you.

And best of all, if you aren't completely satisfied for ANY reason, you can email me for an immediate no questions asked refund, the bonuses are yours to keep, just for trying How To Be Your Own Vet.
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