Tuesday 31 March 2009

Bye Bye Bed Bugs: Finally . . . Discover THE Most Effective and Time-Proven Methods To Really Get Rid Of Blood-Sucking Bed Bugs From Every Crease.....

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Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Don't Even THINK About Reading This . . . Unless You're Ready for the REAL Truth About Bed Bugs and How To Kill Them Off!

Finally . . . Discover THE Most Effective and Time-Proven Methods To Really Get Rid Of Blood-Sucking Bed Bugs From Every Crease, Crack and Corner Of Your Living Space!

Even if you haven't yet experienced bed bugs, you'll learn everything you need to know to protect yourself against bringing them into your home!

Keyth Jordan - Bye Bye Bed Bugs

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Re: The Battle Against Bed Bugs

From: Keyth Jordan

Keyth Jordan - sig

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Dear Friend,

Over a half century ago, bed bugs were a huge and far-reaching problem that was eventually brought under control using some very harsh measures. Now decades later, they are back! Bed bug infestations are on the rise again, this time at break-neck speed.

I have witnessed first-hand the nightmare of what a bed bug infestation can cause . . . the physical toll, the disruption of day-to-day life as well as the emotional stresses of feeling so defenseless against their attacks. It's not a pretty sight.

Let me clue you in on a little secret . . .

The bed bug's natural instincts are to INVADE . . . INGEST . . . and INFEST! In other words, bed bugs can easily find their way into your home (in some of the most unsuspecting ways) . . . get fat on your blood . . . reproduce . . . . and so goes the cycle. That's one of the reasons they are relentless in honing in on their intended target . . . YOU!

Right now, blood-sucking bed bugs may be lurking
wherever you (or your children) sleep . . .
patiently waiting to make you their next meal
when you are most vulnerable!

The very thought of these six-legged "marauders" crawling into your bed could prompt some people to saturate their home with insecticides or throw out their mattresses or just consider moving out . . . Without a clear plan to determine the source of the outbreak, these reactions are not necessarily the best courses of action.

Imagine Knowing The Exact Steps To Take To Rid Your Home Of These Little Vampires . . . Saving You Time . . . Money . . . and Yes, Allowing You To Once Again Sleep In Peace and Safety!

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Good question. I mentioned earlier that I've witnessed the nightmare of a bed bug infestation . . . when my daughter and her children lived through it.

She desperately sought answers to help with their dillemma. Of course, I got involved in the research process and together we eventually discovered the safest, most effective solution for her and the kids.

But I shuddered at the amount of money, time and energy that was expended in the pursuit of the right guidance. As a consequence, there were far too many anxiety-filled, sleepless nights needlessly spent during the course of seeking help.

Just so you know . . . In my efforts to help my daughter and grand-children, I scoured scores of websites and forums, invested countless hours of reading articles, product reviews, even technical reports put out by the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC).

As a side note: During the course of my research, I was floored by three things (I dubbed them the GOOD, the SAD and the UGLY):

(GOOD) Thankfully there IS a fair amount of very good bed bug information, products and services to be found, especially on the internet. Although scattered among myriads of sites run by individuals and organizations rallying to inform and serve the public . . . it's good to see that there is indeed help out there (you just have to find it).

(SAD) Sadly, there are thousands and thousands of people, from all walks of life who are suffering through bed bug attacks . . . and the numbers are increasing rapidly. Another thing . . . without the proper preventative measures in place, bed bugs do not discriminate . . . they can invade and infest a luxurious, upscale apartment just as well as a humble farm house. No one is excluded.

(UGLY) Unfortunately, there are a "few" unscrupulous hucksters who are taking advantage of people's fear and panic by offering hyped-up products and services that turn out to be ineffective or sub-standard. That's why you need to be ever so careful to do your homework, especially when buying bedbug killers or hiring someone to exterminate.

My Daughter's Bed Bug Nightmare . . . Is Your Gain

When my daughter's nightmare was finally over, I decided to compile all my research into a single format that others could use. Carefully weeding out unfounded hear-say, product hype and technical jargon, I went a step further and connected with a well-respected Pest Control Expert who was willing to divulge several insider tips . . . And now I'm sharing all this with you!

Bye Bye Bed Bugs - eGuide cover
Bye Bye Bed Bugs
Discover What You Can Do To Live Bed Bug Free!

Wage War Against These Pesky Bloodsuckers . . . and WIN!

This no-fluff guide, complete with photographs, gets straight to the point and reveals a wealth of valuable facts, detection techniques and expert tips on how to get rid of bed bugs.

Even if you haven't yet experienced bed bugs, you'll learn everything you need to know to protect yourself against bringing them into your home!

So whether you're looking for ways to prevent a problem or you're currently going through the horror of bed bugs in your living space, you'll discover exactly what you need to know to live bed bug free. (It's the kind of guide I wish had been readily available for my daughter and grand-kids.)

Here's a little SNEAK-PEEK at what you'll find in Bye Bye Bed Bugs:

Discover why age old tactics don't work on today's breed of bed bug

Learn how to identify bed bugs (descriptions and bed bug pictures)

Become familiar with the tell-tale signs of bed bug activity (what you really need to look for)

Discover what happens when a bed bug bites (the physical reactions and possible side effects)

Explore the options between Do-It-Yourself Bed Bug Treatment vs Professional Help

Find out why your pets may not be safe

Get the facts about where bed bugs come from (and the sneaky way they can come into your home)

Uncover where bed bugs like to hide (places you'd least expect)

Learn the 5 crucial steps you must take to deal with a bed bug infestation head-on

Learn how to guard against bed bugs when you travel or stay at someone's home

Gain access to much more including "Handy Checklists"

Plus . . . take advantage of my BONUS: "Resources" Section

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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And The Best Part Is That You Can Download This Guide
And Have The Info You Need In The Next Few Minutes!

It's plain to see that "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" can impact your life almost immediately . . . but you don't have to take my word for it . . .

See What These Folks Have To Say About "Bye Bye Bed Bugs"

"...boy, am I grateful. I used the detection tips . . . followed the treatment type that was best for my situation . . . learned just what actions to take to avoid a future occurrence."

When I shared with a friend that I had awakened a couple of times with "mysterious" itchy patches on my ankles and feet, he off-handedly remarked, "maybe you have bed bugs." Well I freaked out at just the thought. I keep a very clean house and I can't stand creepy crawly things.

A very long story, short: I ended up getting a copy of your guide and boy, am I grateful. I used the detection tips you included, did what was neccessary and followed the treatment type that was best for my situation.

Additionally, I learned just what actions to take to avoid a future occurence.

Thanks so much,

Baychester, NY

"I especially appreciated the section in the back . . . This saved me a lot of time . . ."

Your guide offered solid, easy-to-understand information presented in a logical order I could follow.

I especially appreciated the section in the back with the list of online bed bug resources. This saved me a lot of time by leading me directly to other trusted sources.

Bobby L.
New York, NY

So What's All This Valuable Info Going to Cost?

This jammed packed, straight-to-the-point guide to getting rid of bed bugs is truly a one-of-a-kind resource that can't be found offline or online other than right here.

Bye Bye Bed Bugs with BONUS Resource section is valued at $47 . . . BUT as part of a marketing test I've been advised to conduct, if you ORDER TODAY, you'll receive an instant $20 Rebate!

Which means... Bye Bye Bed Bugs is yours, for a limited time, introductory price of: $27

". . . the tip on page 30 alone is more than worth the retail value of this guide."

I'm a Do-It-Yourself kind of guy and the tip on page 30
alone is more than worth the retail value of this guide.

I had heard that I could mix my own bedbug killer but apparently I didn't get the whole story. Page 30 opened my eyes and helped me avert a potential disaster if I had gone ahead without this knowledge.

Bayonne, New Jersey

You can order your copy of "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" and learn the most effective methods to prevent or completely eliminate bed bugs 1-2-3!

My Iron Clad 60-Day No Risk Guarantee

If you're not completely satisfied with "Bye Bye Bed Bugs," you have 60 days to ask for a full refund.

Now how is that for confidence that this guide will deliver what it promises?

I've removed 100% of your risk!

It sure would be great if everything came with a guarantee like this one, right?

So there's no excuse for delaying . . .

Remember . . . You Can Have This Valuable Information In Less Than 5 minutes From Now!

That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later. You can start reading "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" almost instantly!

It doesn't matter if it's 2 AM in the morning, you'll be downloading and reading "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" within a few minutes.

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Stop losing sleep . . . protect yourself and your loved ones from bed bug attacks.

Learn exactly what you need to do to live bed bug free. You can start reading Bye Bye Bed Bugs within the next few minutes . . . Simply click the ORDER BUTTON below to get your ($20 Off) discounted copy TODAY!

Warm regards,

Keyth Jordan - sig

Keyth Jordan

P.S. Either you have bed bugs and want to get rid of them or you don't have bed bugs (yet) and want to prevent getting them. Either way, can you afford NOT to find out the most effective methods to prevent or eliminate bed bugs? . . . Only you can answer that.

P.P.S. Don't forget, you have ZERO Risk! With my 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee, you can order risk-free through a secure order link. I'm so convinced that you'll be amazed at all the information I've managed to pack into "Bye Bye Bed Bugs" that I'm giving you 60 Days RISK FREE! Don't wait - Order today!

P.P.P.S. This current discounted price of $27 is for a limited time. After this marketing test, I will be raising the price of this valuable resource back up to $47. If you're serious about avoiding or annihilating bed bugs , Order Right Now and SAVE!

Bye Bye Bed Bugs - eGuide cover

Risk-Free Acceptance Form

Yes, Keyth! I want to know the Real truth about bed bugs and learn everything I need to know to protect myself (and my family) from their attacks. I don't want to spend sleepless nights worrying about these blood-sucking creatures crawling into my bed at night, especially when I'm most vulnerable. I understand that by ACTING TODAY . . .

. . . I get to take advantage of the limited time , instant $20 rebate and get my copy of Bye Bye Bed Bugs (Value $47) for only $27 !

. . . I will have access to this valuable digital guide within minutes from now!

. . . I have an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and I can receive a full refund if I am not fully satisfied.

It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and entering my payment information this instant

$47 Limited Time: $27

Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Order Risk-Free With My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

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Bye Bye Bed Bugs
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Tuesday 24 March 2009

Guide For Potty Training: Stop the Mess ...The Ultimate Guide For Potty Training.... "Get Rid of The Diapers Forever….. Potty Train Your Toddler!"

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Guide For Potty Training
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The Most Comprehensive Guide Available on the Market Today.....

From: Morgan Lee
RE: Get The Help You Need To Potty Train Your Child

Morgan Lee

Dear Fellow Parent:

his is an exciting time in your life and your child's life too! It's
time to start thinking about potty training. If the mere thought strikes fear in your heart.... rest easy.

You are a busy parent trying to juggle the responsibilities expected of you. How do you fit in potty training? The answer is easier than you think!

Let me start by saying this isn't one of those hyped-up systems that promises you can train your child in an hour.... a day.... or any time frame at all.

Every child is different and so called “foolproof” systems are not for everyone.... Sure they might work.... sometimes.... but not all the time.

You can spend a fortune on tons of 'how-to' books and find none of the advice works.... after you have already invested your hard earned money . I will address that later.... but rest assured.... the help I'm offering is no sure fire anything.... except for a sure fire winner .

You see.... the book I have for you.... ultimate ' Guide For Potty Training' offers practical advice that's been tested by real life people.... just like you .

When you start potty training your child everyone.... friends and family alike.... will be ready and willing to offer their experiences and expect you to follow their every word!

Let Me Tell You Right Now....
That Won't Work....

It really won’t. Just because your best friend’s kid responded well to treats and rewards during potty training doesn’t mean your child will.

Some kids just need praise and nice words....

Others require simple attention.... It’s easy to get caught up in well meaning advise.... But, as stated, every child is different and will respond to different techniques....

Imagine not having to change those yucky, smelly diapers ever again ....

Imagine taking a car trip with your child and not having to pack an extra bag loaded with diapers, wipes and whatever else you may need....

Imagine having the extra money to take that trip because you don't need to spend it on diapers....

Sound impossible? Well, it's not.... and it's time to get started ....

What I've done is take all the tips, tricks, and advice and organized it in an easy-to-read manual for everyone!

I won’t tell you if you do this it will definitely work.

That's because I don’t know if it will.... but what I will do is give you a sample of the wealth of information on the subject and let you make your own decision....

Many people struggle trying to decide if their child is ready to begin potty training....

I'll give you a sneak peek into the pages of this amazing guide.....

Guide For Potty Training
Click Here To Read Full Story!

To Help Determine If Your
Child Is Ready........

Ask Yourself These Questions.....

Does (s)he tell you when his/her diaper
needs changing?

Is (s)he dry after taking a nap?

Does (s)he understand the words “poop”
and “pee”?

Does (s)he watch you or a family
member use the toilet and ask questions?

Does (s)he pull his/her pants up and down
by themselves?

Does (s)he want to please you?

If any of these are true of your child, it may be time
for potty training to begine....

There are many more indications that your child is ready but you’ll have to read the book to get them all!

Potty training is a very personal time for both parent and child....

Listening to your child and watching for tell-tale signs that they are ready for the big potty will determine your success or failure....

This Guide Will Tell You
What To Look For....

But even more than that.... I’ll give you advice on how to encourage your child with praise and rewards without going overboard....

Kids need encouragement.... often that means treats and prizes. Some parents will over-do it.... but you won’t!

The ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' will show you how to shower your toddler with praise and rewards without the temptation to do more than you should....

It will also provide you with some of the best terminology around to appeal to your toddler without inhibiting him/her to use the potty themselves....

Potty training doesn’t have to be a "dirty business ”....

It’s actually easier than you think – when you have the right tools....

What I'm Offering Is A Practical, Easy To Use Guide....

Everyone has advice for you... I’m no different....

But after re-reading this guide.... I realized this is the best advice around.... anywhere....

'Guide For Potty Training'

The ultimate guide for potty
training your child.....

And This Is Just A Sample Of The Wealth Of Knowledge You'll Get.....

Videos & books to help you along in the process

How to pick the perfect potty chair for your child

Tips for training while traveling

When the time is “right” for your child to start training

Staying dry at night

Altering your child’s diet for better bowel control

Addressing physical complications that may be

What’s even better about 'Guide For Potty Training' is.... I have put in some of my own advice after successfully potty training three children with a minimum of fuss.....

It wasn’t easy at first but really.... the whole potty business wasn’t as bad as it could have been....

I Can Show You What
Worked For Me....

Plus.... this guide is full of tips and tricks from real-life people who have been through potty training....

That means real advice from real people. But I want to stress that not all of this advice will work for you....

The best part is that some of it will!

You Owe It To Yourself To Read This Guide....

More than that.... you owe it to your child....

This can be an emotional time but it doesn’t have to be.... Potty training is a big step for both you and your child which is exactly why this guide can help you more than you know!

Guide For Potty Training
Click Here To Read Full Story!

Need a little more information? No problem!

This book also tells you about.....

Training a special needs child

Potty training multiples

Ways to help boys adjust to the potty

What to do when your child regresses

How to show your child good hygiene habits

And much, much more!

You could spend hours and hours surfing the Internet looking for this information....

You could buy hundreds of dollars worth of books on the subject....

Now You Don't Have To.... !

The ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' has it all. This guide was put together using advice from experts such as doctors, psychologists and real life Moms and is now offered to you! It’s mind-boggling.... really!

I struggled with what kind of investment I would feel confortable with.

After all.... I've taken the best tips and tricks and put them together in one easy-to-read guide.... You will find yourself returning to it for help time and again.

No matter how big, or small, your family grows you will always have your guide on hand to help.

I remembered just how much advice I needed during potty training and
realized I would have really appreciated getting the much needed advice at the lowest possible investment....

I could have asked $49.99 .... I could have asked $59.99.... because this book is worth it – but I just didn’t want to do that.

I realized that a one-time investment of $14.95 was more than fair....

When you order the ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' at the introductory investment of $14.95.... you will get the most comprehensive guide available for potty training your child with a minimum of stress and a maximum of satisfaction!

As you have seen.... this book is a wealth of knowledge ....

But don't just take my word for it....

Listen to what others are saying....

From: Jody Brightam
Vancouver, Canada

"You've given me more than one
'ah hah' moment with your sensible,
straight forward advice...."


Thanks so much for your wonderful book.

Reading your ' Guide for Potty Training' has taken all the worry out of potty training for me. Now that I know what signs to look for - the things Bella will do to show me she's ready to learn "to go Potty" - I can relax and enjoy the experience.

You've given me more than one ah-hah moment with your sensible, straight forward advice. I had to laugh when you talked about reading to your child while they're on the potty - my "bathroom" time is pretty much the only time I get to read my beloved magazines. It won't be hard for me to pass on the love of reading to Bella and what better time than "potty time".

You've thought of everything, covered every aspect of potty training and answered every one of the questions I've had not-so-quietly brewing in the back of my mind and some I hadn't even thought of yet.

I really enjoyed the tips from the "battle weary" as well. I've already made a list of my favorite ideas to put in practice when I start training Bella. I'm so glad I found your book!

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the 'Guide for Potty Training' to all parents about to face the challenges of potty training their toddler.

No more fear of the "potty".

Jody Brightam

'Success.... my daughter now uses the washroom at night!!....'

Hi Morgan,

I was having trouble getting my daughter to use the washroom at night. She would not give up her pull ups.

When I found your book and read the chapter on nighttime training it gave me so many options to try.

Success...After implementing some of the options my daughter now uses the washroom at night!!

Thanks Morgan!

Gladys Potter

"As a second time Mom I thought I knew most of what you were going to say but I was taken by surprise...."

From: Angel Lanning
Colorado Springs, CO

Hi Morgan,

Thanks for such an informative book. As a second time Mom I thought I knew most of what you were going to say, but I was taken by surprise with your chapter on diet. Thanks for covering this topic in such detail.

Your Friend,

Angel Lanning

And... To Make This Sweet Deal Even Sweeter... You Get...

Guide For Potty Training
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Bonus Gift... Included With Purchase...

'Parenting Skills - Make the Best Out of
Your Relationship With Your Child'

Real World Value: $12.95
Your Cost: $0.00

As a 'thank you' gift... when you order today you will also receive... at no extra charge... this book containing helpful tips on....

Communicating with your child

Establishing rules and sticking to them

Discipline... the good... the bad... & the ugly ...

Plus... Much, much more....

Just Look at the Value You Are Getting...

Retail Limited Offer

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TOTAL $42.90 $14.95

By ordering today you will receive two ebooks worth $42.90 for only $14.95!! for a savings of $27.95 off the regular retail price.

Guide For Potty Training
Click Here To Read Full Story!

Why Should You Order This Guide?

It Comes With an Iron Clad 60-Day
Satisfaction Guarantee.....

And the second reason is because you are spending a ton of money on diapers and that needs to stop.... sometime before your child starts school!

Most people think diapers and pull-ups are part of the expense of raising a child.... and they are right....

However.... this guide tells us pull-ups and diapers need to be discarded when you begin potty training....

Get rid of them and get started right now! Use that extra money for something YOU want!

Where Else Can You Get A Guarantee Like That..!!

Nowhere! You have two whole months to look it over and if you think my book sucks.... you get your money back!

And.... you get to keep the book! That’s how confident I am you will find what you need inside....

When you click “Buy Now” your guide will be instantly delivered to your email In Box and you will be able to reference it any time.... day or night.... for years to come....

Feeling frustrated because your toddler wet the bed? No problem.... just look at the section on “Nighttime Training”....

Is your child refusing to use the potty after months of success? Read “Regression ” to ease your worries and get back on track....

There's Nothing to Lose.... Everything to Gain....

Right now your life consists of the nasty business of changing diapers.... how many times per day (and night)??

What it can be is.... a child who is now a 'big kid' and can use the potty all by him/herself.....

And no more expensive diapers to buy.... just think of what you can do with that extra money......

What will life be like if you do nothing?
Nothing changes.... diapers, diapers, diapers and more diapers .... It's totally up to you.... what do want your life to be like....?

Order the ultimate 'Guide For Potty Training' for a very low, one time investment of just $14.95 right now....

Take 60 days to read it and.... please let me know what you think! I greatly value your feedback.... I’m pretty sure it’ll be everything you want..... and need to know!

If you are ready for success there really is nothing to think about.... click the order button below and get started .....

"Success is a journey, not a destination."
Ben Sweetland

Warmest Regards,
Morgan Lee

P.S. - It's time to start potty training and put an end to changing diapers forever... And ... just think of the money you'll be saving on diapers ....

P.P.S. -Remember that guarantee , dear parent.... You are taking absolutely NO RISK here! I’m that confident. Take your 60 days, put the advice to work and you’ll be well on your way to successfully potty training your child!

P.P.P.S. - Act Now .... Only the first 20 people who order will receive their copy at the low, one-time introductory investment of $14.95.....

Guide For Potty Training
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Morgan! I really want my very own copy of the ultimate 'Guide for Potty Training'.....

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Instantly be able to download my copy of the ultimate 'Guide for Potty Training'.....

Will have access to all the fantastic tips to help me potty train my child......

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Have your 60-day.... no-questions-asked.... money back guarantee... AND, I can keep the book....

It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and entering my credit card details this instant!

Click image and Scroll down and hit the order button to place your secure order
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Guide For Potty Training
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A parent and teacher resource to teach children the art of giving - Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit

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<br />Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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Learn to knit and knit for charity
A parent and teacher resource to help children learn to knit and why
to give.

In a world where children are exposed to much sadness and horror through the media, it may seem too much to further burden them with the plight of the many million abandoned children and AIDS orphans of southern Africa.

But children have boundless energy and are often deeply sympathetic towards other children in need, indeed people of all ages who may be suffering.

Much more disturbing for your children is not knowing how they can help others in a meaningful way.

As parents and teachers, teaching children sound values should be a primary responsibility.

A value that holds the human race apart is our desire to give to others in greater need than ourselves.

A case in point
Two days after the bush fire inferno swept through Victoria, just outside of Melbourne on February 7 2009, causing the worst every peace time disaster in Australia, two young girls in their early teens knocked at our door. They had been baking slices of chocolate cake all afternoon and were carrying tray loads to sell to raise funds for the then, newly formed, bush fire appeal. Apart from their initiative, it was their urgent need to do something in the face of so much human suffering that was so telling.

Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
Click Here To Read Full Story!

"Can you imagine not having parents, a home, food to eat, a school to go to, a blanket to keep you warm?

We pose this question in the parent and teacher resource, in part to help create empathy in your children for the children in need who are living in these circumstances, but also to direct the efforts of this project to the last of their needs, being warm.

While it may be impossible for children of many ages to imagine a life devoid of love, shelter, education and food, most of us can imagine being cold or lying in a bed with no covers.

Global love
Knit-a-square knows that its goal, to provide tens of thousands of blankets for all these children, relies on the goodwill and generosity (global love) of the knitters and crocheters of the world. These great people are knitting and crocheting 8 x 8" squares to be sent to South Africa and Zimbabwe, where they will be made up into the blankets, and distributed, by designated charities.

In channeling the enthusiasm and wonderful energy of school aged children, this goal will be realised.

The rewards will far outweigh their efforts

By teaching children the value of giving, the rewards and benefits are numerous.
They will:

• be part of a global effort to send warmth to the abandoned children and AIDS orphans of southern Africa

• share in the joy of achieving a common goal through their combined efforts

• learn about giving and goodness

• feel empowered as they understand that their efforts do make a difference

• learn about, and connect to, those so much less fortunate then themselves

• be one of a team at home, while feeling part of a universal team.

Added to this, the knitting lessons within the resource will help them gain a life-long skill and a very useful craft.

Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
Click Here To Read Full Story!

Potentially, the knitting project within this parent and teacher resource, has the power to involve your children in a life-long habit of caring and giving. The may also remain forever connected to the most devastated group of humans on our planet today, the nearly 15 million abandoned children and AIDS orphans of Africa.

‘I believe that this could very well be looked back upon as the sin of our generation . . . and our children 40 or 50 years from now are going to ask ‘what did you do while 40 million children became orphans in Africa?’

Richard Stearns, President World Vision USA

As a parent or teacher, you too will be involved, as you cannot be immune to the sheer scale of this tragedy while informing your children.By empowering them to make a difference, you too are making a difference.

It is more than just the act of knitting or crocheting a square to help make a blanket. It is the process by which you and your children accept the knowledge that we must ALL do something to help.

Your hands are among many that achieve so much

While the children can apply this knowledge to everything they do in life, the knitting lessons teach them the simple art of doing. One square is easy to do. Two or three is not much more difficult.

Every single square that is knitted or crocheted will be a part of a blanket that makes a cold child warm.

This attractively laid out and designed parent and teacher resource is 36 pages long, full of color photographs, evocative statistics and it is packed with information.

It aims to assist you in teaching children:

1. About the AIDS orphans – the sheer scale of this tragedy, and what being young, alone, and perhaps sick with HIV AIDS means in terms of their most basic needs

2. The history of giving – in particular knitting and giving

3. What people are doing about it – the charities who are working to alleviate the suffering of these children, in many different ways

3. How to knit – clearly illustrated knitting lessons on the four basics of knitting, casting on, knit and purl stitch and casting off. These steps will help children practice knitting 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) squares. They can then send their squares to Africa to be made into blankets for the children.

In addition there is information about:
• the history of knitting
• knitting and war
• men knitting
• the history of wool
• how children could form their own knitting group
• how to knit a Square Vest
• how to crochet a Square Vest
• how to felt a square.

your electronic copy of the Parent and Teacher Resource, for just $17.95.

The book is 5MgB, and will download in .pdf format, which you can view using Adobe Acrobat.

Within a short time you could have your child or your whole class learning the importance of giving by doing.

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<br />Teach Your Children The Value Of Giving By Learning To Knit
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Monday 23 March 2009

Discover the Secrets to Cleaning Your House Faster & More Effectively Than You Ever Dared Hope Possible!: Speed Cleaning Secret

Discover the Secrets to Cleaning Your House Faster & More Effectively Than You
Ever Dared Hope Possible!

Learn How to Get Your House Sparkling
Clean in Half the Time …

Speed Cleaning Secret
Click Here For Full Story!

From: Mr. Clean
Author of “Speed Cleaning secrets”

Dear friend,

It’s the ultimate dilemma:

With today’s busy schedules, who has time to clean their house? But yet in today’s tough economic conditions, who has the extra money to spend on professional cleaners?

What are we to do?

Well, I’m writing today to let you in on a solution to this very common problem. That’s right, in a few moments I’m going to reveal …
How You Can Clean Your Home in Record Time!

I know … no one likes to do housework … but what if you could do it quicker, easier and much more effectively than you ever thought possible …

What if you could clean your house like a pro in half the time it takes you to clean it now …

… Would you be interested in learning more?

If so, I urge you to continue reading as you are about to discover the secrets to cleaning your house … FAST!
(V)room by (V)room Speed-Cleaning Secrets …

The importance of a clean house can’t be overstated. For many people, it’s hard to relax in a messy, dirty home. And then there is always the embarrassment your dirty house causes you to feel when friends and family unexpectedly drop by.

On the other hand what can you realistically be expected to do about it? You may have kids to take care of, demanding job duties to complete, dinner to make, errands to run, the list goes on and on.

What are you going to sacrifice to make time to clean your home?

Well, now you don’t have to sacrifice anything. Now you can learn how to get your house cleaner than it’s ever been before – I’m talking professionally clean – quickly and easily … thanks to my new ebook, “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets.”

This ebook contains all the tips, tricks, techniques and professional cleaning secrets you need to know to clean your house effectively, inexpensively and FAST – very, very FAST!
Here’s Just Some of What You Will Learn
By Reading This Amazing eBook:

* The ultimate weapons of mass destruction (of dirt) – and how to put them to maximum use!

* Essential accessories for the smart speed cleaner – find out here what supplies you really need to do a good job and which ones are just a waste of your hard-earned money!

* How to pick the right cleaning supplies – some cleaners work better than others, find out here which ones are best for your house!

* Secret cleaning techniques that you can use to clean your house in record time – includes dusting, carpet care, window and laundry techniques that will truly jumpstart your cleaning efforts!

* Specific speed cleaning strategies for the kitchen, master bedroom, children’s bedrooms, bathroom, living room, dining room, closets and home office – just follow these simple steps to get your house sparkling clean in no time at all!

* What to wear on speed cleaning day – find out here what to wear to improve your cleaning performance!

* Plus, clutter-control secrets for the organizationally challenged and special seasonal cleaning tips and much more!

You Can Save Money, Have More Time & Also Have a Cleaner Home … Thanks to “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets”!

Speed Cleaning Secret
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Now you can have a cleaner home without wasting an entire Saturday or Sunday cleaning or without coming home tired from work and then spending several hours cleaning part of the house each weeknight.

All you have to do is master the art of speed cleaning.

What is speed cleaning?

Basically it means to clean a house fast, effectively and efficiently. It’s what the professional cleaners do and by understanding a few simple cleaning concepts you can learn to do it, too!

And luckily for you, it’s never been easier to learn how to speed clean thanks to my “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” ebook.

This ebook reveals:

* How to change your old cleaning habits and cleaning mentality and fully embrace the speed cleaning philosophy

* How to find and use the right tools for the job – one of the professionals’ biggest secrets is the tools they use to get a house so clean … well, in “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” I reveal those tools so you too can enjoy a nice clean house without wasting all your free time!

* How to use the right cleaning techniques to get your house clean as fast as possible – ever watch the professionals clean there’s not a lot of wasted motion or backtracking … that’s because they have a clear strategy they use to clean each room … find out here what those strategies are and how you can follow them step by step to get your house clean in record time!

By understanding these three important concepts you’ll be on your way to cleaning your house like a pro.

But “The Ultimate Book of Cleaning Secrets” doesn’t stop there – this book contains everything you need to know to get your house clean from how to declutter to bathroom cleaning tips you’ve probably never heard before to special cleaning techniques you can use in the summer … or winter … or spring … or fall.
So What Are You Waiting For?
Order Now & Save Money By Taking Advantage
of My Special Promotional Offer!

How much would you expect to pay for advice and information that quite literally could change your life by allowing you to finally enjoy a clean house without wasting all your free time or spending all your extra cash?

Certainly, even $100 would not be unreasonable to many considering the value of a clean house to a person’s mental and physical well-being.

But relax you won’t have to pay near that much for “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” ebook.

In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special promotional offer and receive “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” ebook for just $19.95 – that’s a full $29.05 off the regular price of $49.00!

Remember: the cleaning tips and advice contained in this comprehensive guide should allow you to clean your home (better) in half the time you’ve been taking!
Reading this eBook is Your Chance to Finally Stop Wasting Your Time & Money Cleaning Your House!

“The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” is filled with practical tips and complete room-by-room blueprints that will allow you to clean your house fast, effectively and efficiently.

In fact, after reading, “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” you will know exactly how to get your house sparkling clean without spending a fortune or wasting hours and hours of your precious time – and since this ebook is available as an instant download you will be able to begin benefiting from the expert advice and information it contains immediately!

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Speed Cleaning Secret
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Here’s the Bottom Line on This Incredible Resource:

Why continue to waste your valuable time and hard-earned money?

When you could save yourself a lot of hard work and hassle by getting my “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” ebook today?

You’ll learn:

* How to get rooms cleaner than ever before by using simple easy-to-follow strategies and techniques!
* What accessories you need and which are a waste of money!
* How to clean every room of your house like a pro!
* How to immediately reduce the amount of clutter in your home … and then keep it from ever returning again!
* How to do spring cleaning … and summer, winter and fall cleaning as well!
* What cleaning solutions to use for the best results!
* Complete blueprints for how to clean an entire house in record time!
* How to change your thinking and become a lean, mean speed cleaning machine!
* What everybody must know to maximize their cleaning efforts!
* How to avoid common cleaning mistakes – these tips will save you from a great deal of frustration later on!
* Step-by-step easy-to-understand speed cleaning methods that will allow you to clean your home in half the time you take now
* How to put it all into practice and get the clean home of your dreams in nothing flat!
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So What ARE You Waiting For?

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That’s EIGHT FULL WEEKS to put this ebook to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Either get the information you need to clean your house in record time or get your purchase price back!

You really do have nothing to lose – and the clean house of your dreams to gain!

Plus, don’t forget, if you order my “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” ebook, you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin reading and benefiting from the book’s expert advice and comprehensive information in just minutes!

Speed Cleaning Secret
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Remember, by ordering now you will also receive
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Mr. Clean
Author of “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets”

P.S. Remember my special promotional offer won’t last long. Receive “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” for just $19.95 before it is too late!

P.P.S Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If “The Ultimate Book of Speed Cleaning Secrets” isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 56 days and I will refund your money immediately.

P.P.P.S Let me give you one more reason why you should buy this ebook today:

It gives you all the very best advice and information on speed cleaning your home in one easy-to-use resource. Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable when you can learn everything you need to know to get your house sparkling clean in no time – and I do mean everything – in one convenient, inexpensive ebook?

Speed Cleaning Secret
Click Here For Full Story!

Still questioning whether this ebook is right for you? Email me at info@speedcleanup.com to discuss how this ebook can benefit you in particular

Tuesday 17 March 2009

"Proven Method of Raising the Kind of Children Everyone Wants to Have!" Natural Mothering 101 - 12 Steps To Successful Parenting E-book

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Natural Mothering 101 - 12 Steps To Successful Parenting E-book
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Dear Friend
~ Would you like to have an experienced mother to mentor you?

~ Are you in search of that special book that will teach you the fundamentals of becoming a mother and what it takes for your children to bless you as they get older?

~ Would you like to be taught a method of parenting that has been proven successful in producing amazing children that actually 'like' to be around their parents and are relationally close to them.

~ If you answered yes to the questions above, then follow my lead. I have over 17 years experience raising the kind of children that astound other parents and that touch the soul. How did I achieve this? Even before giving birth to our first child, I educated myself on parenting. Though much of mothering came naturally to me, from day one I followed certain principles and listened to instinct. The principles I followed are listed in my book as twelve steps.

~ Even though I do not often discuss fathers in my book (it is geared towards mothering after all), fathers play a very important role in the success equation of parenting. My husband not only fully supported me and these parenting steps, he just so happens to be a terrific father to our children.

~ You may be very excited and anxious to have a baby and yet terrified that you will not be a good mother. Maybe mothering doesn't come naturally to you because of your own experiences growing up. My own mother had a gift for it. Her love and skills transferred over to me which made it easier to transfer them to our own children.

~ But I understand there are women that have not been privileged to the same experience. You may not have had a loving maternal experience in your childhood. While growing up, your mother may have been absent for most of it because of a job, illness or divorce. But know this -- you have inside you the power to create a wonderfully nurturing environment for your own children. In fact, if you follow the steps in my book, they will help you be the kind of mother you've always dreamed of!

Natural Mothering 101 - 12 Steps To Successful Parenting E-book
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~ This book has a holistic approach to mothering. It's about getting back to basics when giving birth, nourishing, and caring for your children.

Below are some of the things you will learn in the book

How To Increase Your Odds Of Having A Natural Vaginal Birth Instead Of A C-Section.

How To Conquer Breastfeeding Problems And Advice On Making Your Own Baby Formula If Breastfeeding Is Not Working For You.

12 Sleep Tips For The Weary Mom And Ideas For Solving A Child's Sleep Problems.

Everything You Wanted To Know (Or Didn't) About Vaccinations.

Why You Should Consider ALL options When It Comes To Your Child's Education.

How To Receive Endless Compliments On How Well Your Children Behave.

How To Give Birth To A Calm Baby.

Tips For Creating Wise And Discerning Children.

Ideas For Family Time.

How To Raise Obedient Children.

Buy it now so you have enough time to prepare for your baby's birth. If you are already a mom, purchase it today as it is a valuable tool for training older children and establishing that close relationship you desire to have and to keep.

~ By purchasing this book at the bottom of this page, you fully understand that your credit card will be charged $27.97 for the purchase of this 114 page ebook titled "Natural Mothering 101 - 12 Steps to Successful Parenting Before Birth and Beyond" and that you will be able to download it immediately after submitting your order. Download will be in pdf form.

~ Our 100% secure payment system is handled by Clickbank.com

Customer Testimonials

"Natural Mothering 101 is well rounded book on raising
exceptional kids from infant to adult and written from someone who has experienced success. I was especially amazed to learn about the dangers of vaccines and of the origins of the public school system."
- Mary C., Sugar Grove, IL

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Natural Mothering 101 - 12 Steps To Successful Parenting E-book
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Monday 16 March 2009

Do You Know How To Save Your Dogs Life In An Emergency? Would You Like To Save Thousands Of Dollars In Vet Bills?

Find Out How The Amazing Story Of Derby's Brush With Death Can Teach You What You Need To Know About Your Own Dogs Health...

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How To Be Your Own Vet!
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From: Gaetane Ross,

Author And Animal Lover

Dear Dog Lover,

Back in the Summer of 2006, I was at my good friend Michael Matthews house. We where having a "doggy play day" as we normally do.

He had a boxer named Derby. Derby was one of the kindest and most well behaved dogs I had ever met. Michael is a fantastic owner and had taken care to make sure that Derby ate a balanced diet, was well trained, and got plenty of exercise.

On this particular day, Derby was energetic, like he normally was...

All of the sudden, Derby started panting heavily, and stumbling around like he was drunk. He laid in the grass, gasping for breath and looking like he was about to pass out...

For a moment we thought maybe he was experiencing heat exhaustion, it was a pretty warm Summer day. So we brought him inside the house to cool off...

About that time Michael's wife Sandy came home, and luckily for everyone involved, especially Derby, Sandy is a veterinarian.

We explained the situation, and she jumped up and gasped "That's not heat exhaustion!"

She ran to the kitchen, slammed open the cabinet doors, ran back out into the living room with some liquid in a little vial, poured the mixture down Derby throat, and...
Sandy Managed To Save Derby's Life!

Click Here and read more on How To Be Your Own Vet!

Derby, Alive And Well!

It wasn't until later that we found out Derby wasn't suffering from heat exhaustion at all, but was being poisoned by some dangerous chemicals that a worker had left near the fence in the yard next to Micheal's.

But this got me thinking about how lucky Michael and Derby where to have Sandy living with them, and how little I really knew about the health of my own dogs, and it really made me think...

What Would I Have Done In The Same Situation?

I really didn't want to think about it. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have known what to do. Sandy explained that Derby probably only had less than another 5 minutes for someone to administer a treatment for the poison before he would have gone into a coma and died.

I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to one of my dogs, and I really couldn't stand the thought of something happening while I looked on helplessly if there was a way I could step in and take control. So I asked Sandy...

Are There Any Good Books That I Can Read To Learn More About How To Take Care Of My Own Dogs?

In short, the answer was a resounding "no". While there are plenty of books on the market regarding dog health, dieting, and basic first aid, there was almost no information available on identifying specific health conditions or what to do in medical emergencies...

So Sandy and I set out to create a book that did just that... taught dog owners how to identify common illnesses, how to react in emergency situations, easy medical treatments from home, and never have to worry about feeling helpless when it came to the health of their dogs ever again...

With Sandy's experience as a vet, and my writing and research skills, we set out to put together the ultimate guide to dog health and in home medical care...

What You Need To Know About Your Dogs Health...

One of the reasons there isn't a whole lot of information regarding canine health is that it's extremely difficult for a veterinarian to put all of the different symptoms and possible treatment options into terms that are easy enough for the average person to understand.

Sandy and I decided that we should focus on the most common questions regarding dog health, here are a few ideas we came up with...

* Completely Cure Separation Anxiety, find out how on page 7...
* An Inexpensive surefire cure that stops diarrhea INSTANTLY, see for yourself on page 16....
* Want to stop fleas dead in their tracks without using harsh and expensive chemicals? We show how it's done on page 17...
* Worm treatments that WORK, without expensive medications... Find them on page 30...
* Do you know what to do if your dog is poisoned? This life saving information can be found on page 24... find what to do, and more importantly what to avoid at all costs when your dog is poisoned.
* Does your dog have seizures? Find out what to do, and even how to cure seizures, on page 29...
* A little known cancer treatment that works when traditional medicines fail... It may work for you, find it on page 12...
* Did you know that heat stroke is a very common cause of death in dogs? Find out how to avoid heat stroke, and how to treat it when it happens, on page 20.
* Life saving emergency techniques, these can mean the difference between life or death in an emergency, and you can find them on page 32...
* What would you do if your dog stopped breathing? The information on page 31 may save your dogs life...

Click Here and read more on How To Be Your Own Vet!

And that's just the tip of the ice burg...

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How To Be Your Own Vet!
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The "Owners Manual" That Every Dog Lover Needs To Own...

When Sandy and I sat down to create this book, that's exactly what our goal was... To create a comprehensive manual covering every single important aspect of dog health care, without having to be a Doctor to understand it...

That's why How To Be Your Own Vet has been designed to be easy to read and strait to the point. There's no complicated medical terms to wade through, and it's easy to navigate directly to the information that you're looking for, even in an emergency situation.

And It Saves You Money Too...

When we created the book, our intention was to give people information that could save their dogs lives, not to save people money. As it turned out though, people are saving thousands of dollars by putting this information to work.

It's pretty simple really. While some books claim "you'll never have to take your dog to the vet again" (I came across a few in my research) the truth is that you will still need to take your dog to the vet to perform immunization, vaccination, and for other serious medical conditions.

What I didn't realize at the time was how many people take their dogs into the vet or spend hundreds of dollars on medications when they don't have to.

There are hundreds of tips in How To Be Your Own Vet that can save you unneeded trips to the vet and avoid spending money on medications that you don't need...

Click Here and read more on How To Be Your Own Vet!

We Could All Stand To Save Some Money Right Now...

Consider the following...

* On average, it's going to cost you $135 to take your dog to the vet...
* Over the course of a year, you're going to spend over $300 on average in medical bills for your dog...

And that's not including expensive medications and understanding how to deal with emergency situations.

The information outlined in How To Be Your Own Vet will allow you to diagnose and treat your dog for many of the most common problems without going to your vet, and in turn you automatically save money on medical bills for your dog.

This Isn't About Money Though...

I set out to create this book because I never wanted to be in a position where something was wrong with my dog and I had to stand by helplessly...

And that's what this book is all about. If there's ever an emergency situation, you have an easy to follow action plan that will allow you to know exactly what's wrong with your dog, and exactly what you need to do... In certain situations this information is life saving...

You Don't Need A Medical Degree To Effectively Treat Your Dog From Home..

How To Be Your Own Vet was created for the average dog owner. Everyday people who love their dogs, but didn't spend 10 years going to veterinarian school.

From natural at home remedies used for treating everyday problems to life saving advice that every dog owner needs to have, we've made How To Be Your Own Vet the definitive reference guide regarding canine health.
LIMITED TIME BONUS... Easy To Follow Instruction To Train Your Dog To Do Almost Anything!

There is a limited time bonus being offered for How To Be Your Own Vet... We've included a bonus dog training guide that you can use to teach your dog how to do almost anything.

This easy to follow guide has a professional dog trainer walk you step by step through the process of training your dog, here are just a few of the amazing things you can learn...

Here's What Other People Are Saying About How To Be Your Own Vet...

Dear Gaetane,

I have just finished reading your book. What a "wealth of information". This book shows us how to care for our dogs on our own. It has such a down to earth approach to dog care, and makes the owner realize how much is expected of her/him to give care and attention on a daily basis. It's easy to read and has a very friendly approach to subjects that sometimes we'd rather not think of when it comes to serious problems with our pet. This is a real "Go To" manual for the "Do's and Don'ts" when it comes to our precious dog!. Well done!!!!

Coleen O'Connor
Chateauguay, Quebec


He Who Said '"YOU CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS " Well I have news for y'ALL. I am at the ripe old age of 80, and thought I knew it all concerning DOGS. WoW was I ever wrong.

I have calculated so far that I have saved three times the money for Vet services since we started applying the tips you mention. When I was a young Pupp, we used to raise dogs, wire-hair terrier, bull terriers, Boston terriers.and a few other breeds, so naturally we thought we knew it all .

Well I can't thank you enough for all the information you provide to help me with my dog.It was well worth the money. Thank you,thank you..my dog thanks you too woof! woof!

John Chatelle


Your book has great tips and advice.. It's not too long and easy to read I Ilove it.
I needed some tips on what to do about my dog Dixie eating through my door! Well now I know what to do.Thanks to your advice. This is a most read guide.
Verdun, Qc

Are You Ready To...

* Always know what course of action to take in emergency situations... Life saving advice to combat almost any emergency medical situation that your dog may encounter...

* Stop using harsh and expensive medications and start using highly effective natural remedies that work from home to treat all of the most common dog problems, from fleas to diarrhea to the common cold...

* Save thousands of dollars in medical costs over the life of your dog by diagnosing and treating common diseases yourself...

* Make absolutely sure that your dog is the healthiest and happiest dog it can possibly be...

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Here's What You Get When You Download Be Your Own Vet Today...
Bonus: Dog Training Videos

Finally, everything you need to know about training your dog presented in easy to follow step by step video format!

* Don't Pay Outrageous Dog Training Fees!
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Retail Price: $49.95, Your's FREE! Just For Trying How To Be Your Own Vet today!

How To Be Your Own Vet: Your Home Guide To Learn How To Care For Your Dog And Treat His Health Conditions NATURALLY.

The definitive guide to taking care of your dog from home, and best of all you get to try it 100% RISK FREE!

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed...

I am so confident that this information will transform the way you think the health of your dog, that it will empower you take control and save your dogs life in emergency situations, and that it will be the best decision that you've ever made for your dogs health...

If you don't agree that this is information that no dog owner should be without, if it doesn't save you thousands of dollars in vet bills and allow you to save your dogs life in emergency situations, you shouldn't have to pay me.

Click Here and read more on How To Be Your Own Vet!

That's why I'm giving you a full 60 days to find out why so many people love How To Be Your Own Vet. If you aren't 100% satisfied for ANY reason, simply email me for a no questions asked 100% refund, and the bonuses are yours to keep.
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Since How To Be Your Own Vet and the bonuses are all digital files, you can receive immediate access, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and there's no need to wait for shipping.

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The files are easy to navigate, and you can read the information directly from your computer or print them out for easy reference, it's completely up to you.

And best of all, if you aren't completely satisfied for ANY reason, you can email me for an immediate no questions asked refund, the bonuses are yours to keep, just for trying How To Be Your Own Vet.
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Sunday 15 March 2009

Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Dog House That Will Protect Your Dog From The Weather

building a dog house myself was one of the smartest investments I've made. Not only did I save a lot of money but I provided my best friend with a far more comfortable and attractive home..

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Easy Build Dog House Plans
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Together with a professional architect I've put together easy to follow god house plans so you too can quickly build your own dog house at a fraction of the price of buying a new one.

What makes my plans so superior is that they are for insulated dog houses. Most pre-built dog houses you buy from the shop are not insulated, so there is nothing protecting your dog from hot summers and cold winters.

No fancy tools required - We have especially design our plans so that anyone with basic tools like a handsaw, hammer, drill etc can build our coops

Easy To Build Plans - With easy to follow cross-sectional diagrams that include exact dimensions and required materials

Save money by building your own dog house - Based on our analysis you normally save over 50% by building your own dog house. That can be hundreds of dollars saved

Print off as many plans as required - our downloadable e-book format allows you to print off as many copies as you want. No need to worry about getting the plans dirty or having to share plans with helpers

Here's just a few more of the many things you'll find in your copy:

* How to build a Medium dog house for small and medium size dogs like Dachshunds and Bull Terriers.
* How to build a Large dog house for a large sized dog like Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds .
* How to build a Medium size duplex house for multiple small or medium size dogs.
* How to build a Large size duplex house for two large dogs.

Medium And Large Single and Duplex Dog Houses

* Discover scale step-by-step easy-to-follow plans with full material list and dimensions.
* All houses feature fully insulated floors and walls to keep your dog warm during winter and cool during summer.

Step-By-Step Easy To Follow Plans

* And much much more

Click Here for full story!

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Monday 9 March 2009

If you're going to throw a baby shower for someone near and dear to your heart... Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Learn The Secrets To Throwing The Most Amazing Baby Shower, No Matter
How Much Time You Have To Prepare!

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Baby Showers Revealed
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It doesn't matter if you're planning it for you sister, cousin, niece,
best friend, or even a friend of a friend! This guide will tell you
everything you need to know, without spending too much money!

North Augusta, SC
4:12 pm, Monday Afternoon

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on holding a baby shower for a friend family member? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, happy baby shower that will bring tears to the eyes of the person you're throwing it for, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have planned 4 baby showers, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on baby showers!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book
On Baby Showers You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about Baby Showers. In fact, some people have called it the "Baby Shower Guide"!

It's like having your very own Shower expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime that you need to!

You'll uncover a wide array of tips including interesting facts that made them what they are today!

You're going to discover so many things on how to plan the most perfect baby shower ever! Not only will you find new tips and tricks to save money, but you'll also learn extra bonus tips to have all the neighbors talking about how successful your party was. (We all know about those gossipers, right?)

Here's Just a "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover
With A Quick And Easy Guide To Baby Showers

*The Hottest Baby Shower Themes all uncovered for you.

*Revealing old standard & modern baby shower games for entertaining your cherished attendees.

*While others bore their guests, your guests will be laughing and having a good time thanks to the themes and games that you’ve discovered.

*How to plan a baby shower from the ground up easily and effortlessly.

*Baby shower foods and how to tie themes in with them to amaze your guests.

*Do’s and don'ts that can make all of the difference in determining whether a baby shower succeeds or fails miserably.

*While others put together a baby shower that lacks character and uniqueness, people will rave about the one you put together for years to come.

*Discover One of the most memorable things about the baby showers.

*Tried, tested, and sometimes regrettable details that you really need to know in order to create, manage, and complete a perfect baby shower.

*How to determine when the shower should happen and not happen.

*Traditional or conventional background ideas for determining who should throw the shower.

*Step-by-step guide on how to manage a baby shower form start to end.

*Tips, strategies, and suggestions to creating the perfect baby shower.

*How to determine whether to gift registry or not to gift registry.

*Plus much MUCH More!

And The Best Part Is That You Can Be Reading
This Book In Less Than 90 Seconds From Now!

That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later.. You can start reading this book instantly!

It doesn't matter if it's 2 AM in the morning, you'll be downloading and reading "Baby Showers Revealed" within just a few minutes. There's absolutely no risk to you - so what are you waiting for? Order now!

This new breakthrough book is a guide, really. A guide as a result of years of searching, studying, and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines.

And this isn't one of those "Latin" books where you don't understand what's being said. Everything is in plain English, so you can put the Latin book away :) This easy to read baby shower book is completely comprehendible and won't take weeks to read.

This truly is a one-of-a-kind book that can not be found offline, or online other than right here. I urge you to click the link below and place your secure order...

"Baby Showers Revealed" normally sells for $47.77, but as part of my "Finally getting this on the internet" sale, I'm willing to give you an instant $20 rebate..

So, you can get your own copy of my "Baby Showers Revealed" for only $27.77

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click the "Order Now!" button below to start reading your new Baby Shower book!

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Baby Showers Revealed
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You can start reading this book in less than 3 minutes. Click here to get your $20 discounted copy of Baby Showers Revealed! There's no absolutely NO risk, so grab it today..

Here's to you, and your extremely successful Baby Shower!

Warmest Regards,
Katherine Sullivan
Email: info@perfectbabyshowers.thereviewguide.net

P.P.S. After this marketing test, I will be raising the price back up to the original $47.77 price. Advertising online can get very expensive, and I'm not even sure if I can keep this offer up much longer! If you're serious about throwing the best baby shower,Order Today!

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Baby Showers Revealed
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