Friday 22 May 2009

Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide

"Why Spend Your Time And Money Searching For Information About Pregnancy, Childbirth & Parenting If You Can Get All You Need Here?" This is a complete guide that gives you all the information, right from your day of conception to the time when your wonderful kid celebrates his/her first birth day. In addition, if you get your copy now, you will get tons of bonuses before they run out! Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!

From : Yvonne Hanson, Dear Expecting Mom,
Some months after my wonderful wedding, I longed for something that would greatly enhance my happiness. I yearned for what could give me an all-rounded life, a priceless gift that only us women can experience.

...The joy of pregnancy and childbirth.

If you have ever conceived, you will agree with me that there's more to pregnancy than just 9 months of overweight. This is a period of great emotional upheaval - a time of laughter and tears mingled with other strong emotions.

After waiting with expectation, at last I was late for a number of weeks... and my blood started pumping faster. Could this be it? I wondered. I wanted to make sure, so I took a pregnancy test...

... And yes, I was pregnant!
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From that moment onwards, my life had changed. I was no longer just a lady or simply a wife -

I was a mother! Those of us who have gone through the experience know the special feeling that can not be adequately expressed in words.

You will agree with me that you experienced a special love that was completely unlike the first time you met your husband ;-)

That is the process of motherhood ... and you have climbed the ladder to be a mother too.

I had to make a number of adjustments in my life. I had to take every necessary care to ensure the well being of my unborn child. After all, the baby's life depended on me. I would find it very difficult to forgive myself in case something bad happened to my baby.

In order to prepare well, I started looking for important information about pregnancy and childbirth. Although there were some free resources, I had to pay for most of them. In addition, I even consulted a few Ob-Gyns and pediatricians to ensure that I did everything just right.

You know what? I spent thousands of dollars in the process. But I comforted myself with the fact that I was doing all these for the sake of my child, not for myself or my husband. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!

That is your consolation too. And that is why you are reading this now. Right?
Well, congratulations!

You have come to the right place. I am going to share with you all my experiences to help you in the process.

With just a few clicks of the mouse, you will be able to download and read my ebook at your own pleasure.

This ebook will give you a mother's first-hand experience, containing 100% of truth that I have separated from the many myths floating around.

Here are some of the things you will discover in this 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' :

*A few common pregnancy symptoms to watch for (page 2)
*Choosing a health care provider for your pregnancy :
An obstetrician, a midwife or an ob-gyn? (page 3)
*What every new mother must know about physical and emotional changes during pregnancy (page 4)
*The shocking truth about commercial food every mother needs to know (page 7)
*Several alternative medicine approaches you can take to get some pregnancy relief (page 11)
*Week by week guidance through your pregnancy and useful tips to follow during pregnancy period (page 15)
*Preparing for the worst : 21 types of pregnancy related problems that can pose a risk to an unborn child and its mother (page 22)
*Questions, facts, pro and cons about cord blood banking and stem cells (page 27)
*4 Tips for mothers with premature babies (page 29)
*Checklist of things you will need for your baby when he/she arrives (page 30)
*List of things you can take on delivery day (page 37)
*9 Signs of preterm labor (page 38)
*Symptoms to help you decide whether you are in labor or not (page 39)
*A little more of what you can expect during your cesarean delivery (page 41)
*Secrets of breastfeeding for mother and baby (page 44)
*5 Rules to live by while nursing your baby (page 46)
*7 Calming methods when your baby is crying (page 50)
*9 Steps to successfully giving your baby a sponge bath (page 54)
*Things you need to have in your medicine cabinet or first aid kit (page 58)
*The diseases your baby should be vaccinated for within the first year (page 59)
*Precautions you can take to help prevent SIDS (page 60)
*Baby's first-year milestones (page 61)
*Toys and activities that are appropriate for babies (page 66)
*Food and nutrition for your baby : When and what you can give to your baby (page 68)
*How is mother's life after having a baby (page 72)
*and much more...!

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Here are some of the things that mothers say about the 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' :

"As a expectant mother I must say I'm impressed...!"

"I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this package before, but my husband said that 'why don't we try it?, there's no risk to try it, right?', so I decided to take this offer and read all the ebooks.

The way Yvonne describe things that I don't understand was relatively easy, it's completely from her point of view. Even though it's a medical term, it doesn't scares me.

"Great job, Yvonne, keep up the great work!"

Paula Adams - a******

"Just like she said, it really save my time a lot!"

"I first heard about Yvonne's Essential Guide To Pregnancy when I was about two months pregnant.

I had a very bad morning sickness early in the pregnancy. I had been spending a lot of my time sleeping and feeling exhausted the rest of the time. I wanted to improve how I had been feeling but I don't know what to do.

Maybe, I was one of those pregnant women who wouldn't take or eat anything unless I'd researched it and found it to be completely safe. So I did the research on the internet and found this Essential Guide To Pregnancy.

I started reading the ebooks, one-by-one, and soon after that I found so many useful information just in one place. Just like she said, it really save my time a lot!

Thank you, Yvonne...!"
Will & Pam Juritovski - ba******
"More than anyone else..."

"More than anyone else or any other source of information, Yvonne has helped me to find more joy than frustration in my journey to become a parent."

Stacy - Austin, TX - gem*****

Since I would like you to have a very fulfilling pregnancy, I'm offering some BONUSES that will be of great help during the process.

Unfortunately, such great bonuses can not go on forever, and their time is limited. This means that what you see now may not be available later on.

Here are the offers that are currently available :

Bonus #1: 'Great Ideas For Naming Your Baby' Ebook
Long before I ever got married, I already had a number of names that I planned to give my baby. But after I got married, my husband had his own ideas too ...

This goes to show that the naming process has its own challenges. A couple may have almost endless discussions on the issue.

Yet in the end you may still not be sure whether you selected the right name...

So, if you are still undecided on which way to go, this valuable bonus will save you plenty of time and frustrations.

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!
Even when you have already named your baby, you will be amazed by the meanings that your chosen name has...

This unique ebook also tells you about :

* Choosing baby names for twins in a creative ways
* How to convert from male baby names to female baby names
* List of baby names, meanings and origins
* Baby names to avoid
* How to find perfect middle names for your baby
* and much more...!

Can you imagine that choosing the right name for my baby took almost six months! This was simply due to the fact that my husband and I had different 'tastes'.

So why don't you just take this special bonus and read it with your mate? This will save you from lots of sleepless nights of discussions about the same topic - baby names!

Click Here To Download This Bonus Immediately!

Bonus #2: 'Healthy Diet After Pregnancy' Ebook

As much as pregnancy is a thrilling experience, every woman has to grapple with the weight issue...

Unfortunately, many mothers get the wrong impression that the problem has to do with food, so they start starving themselves...

Sadly, this is just counterproductive, as your newborn baby will miss essential nutrients during breast feeding.

On the other hand, some of us embark on exercises in an effort to shed off the extra pounds. But let me tell you this, losing weight after pregnancy is entirely different from other weight issues.

In order to help you achieve better success in your weight loss program, I provide you with my own program that was designed with professional help from relevant experts. This bonus will teach you :

* Seven steps to successfully lose weight while breastfeeding
* 10 tips to successfully breastfeed your baby and lose weight
* The foods that should be included in your diet
* Few general guidelines for exercising throughout your breastfeeding
* Few exercises that you can do, even as early as the day after you have your baby
* and much more...!

If you would really like to get back in shape after pregnancy FAST, then grab this priceless bonus!

Click Here To Download This Bonus Immediately!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!

Bonus #3: 'Positive Parenting For Toddler' Ebook

You will be surprised at how fast time goes by after childbirth. Today your cute little baby wakes you up in the middle of the night. Tomorrow your child will almost suddenly have emerged into a toddler.

Now, there's a great difference in nursing a baby and parenting a toddler. Remember that your toddlers will recall what you say until they get older.

Virtually all parents are interested in seeing their children growing into great men and women. In order to achieve this, you should start preparing your baby at a very tender age. If you think the process starts at kindergarten then you will already be late.

'Positive Parenting For Toddler' ebook will greatly expand your knowledge, where you will find such information as :

* How to develop your child into responsible and productive adults.
* The best ways to implement child discipline through different ages and stages.
* What you can teach to your child from two until three years old.
* Useful techniques to stop toddler tantrums before they start.
* and much more...!

When you take this bonus, you will be able to keep up with the fast pace at which your baby will grows. Now is the time to be aware of what you need to do, not next year...

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!

Here are more testimonials from happy mothers to confirm to you that the value you will get in the 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' is way above the price you will pay for it...

"...It was just wonderful!"

“Thank you so much for such an incredible, special and overwhelming information.
You are an amazingly talented mom and have such a gift for making people feel comfortable and open mind. It was just wonderful.

I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Essential Guide to Pregnancy package to any mom to be - I'm sure this product will not let you down."

Kavita - a******

Here's a summary of what you will get in the 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' package...

What You Get Worth Your Benefits

Essential Guide To Pregnancy Ebook

This ebook will give you a mother's first-hand experience, starting from your first conception until first year of your parenthood updated with latest issue, such as cord blood banking and stem cells.

Great Ideas For Naming Your Baby Ebook

This will save you from lots of sleepless nights of discussions with your mate about the same topic - baby names!

Healthy Diet After Pregnancy Ebook

You will achieve better success in your weight loss program, I provide you with my own program that was designed with professional help from relevant experts.

Positive Parenting For Toddler Ebook

You will be able to keep up with the fast pace at which your baby will grows. Now is the time to be aware of what you need to do, not next year...


You may ask me: "Ok, Yvonne, how much should I invest for this valuable package?"

Considering the time and money I have spent, this unique package is definitely priceless! Yet given my interest in your success, I'm going to offer you a GREAT DISCOUNT. You will not only save a lot of time but also money.
Grab this chance to secure the 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' package (complete with the bonuses) for ONLY $99.95, $49.95, $39.95! Remember that this is just a ONE TIME investment.

Also remember that this package is NOT ONLY useful for the 9-month pregnancy period or ONE year thereafter but also until your baby becomes a toddler.

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!
This package comes PLUS a 100% money back guarantee. For an entire period of 60 days after your purchase, if you feel that you get no benefit for whatever reason, I will refund your purchase price - every penny of it.

AND you will still keep your package! I have taken all the risks, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO RISK on your part.

OK Yvonne, I Want To Have This "Essential Guide To Pregnancy" Package NOW!

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And for a one time investment of just $39.95, I'll be able to download the complete package (including bonuses) at any time I please.

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So, let me download the 'Essential Guide To Pregnancy' now!

This product available exclusively via digital download.
ClickBank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.

All my best wishes to you,

PS: I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In case you are not satisfied in any way, you have
60 days in which you can get your money back. It's that simple!

PPS: Today is your time to make the lowest investment. Remember that a bonus that is available today may not be available tomorrow. Grab the chance now before the price gets higher!

The material provided in this site is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and in no way should be considered as an offering of medical advice. The author is not a medical doctor. The author and the publisher do not take any responsibility of the use of any of the material available at

You should regularly consult a licensed health care professional in matters relating to your pregnancy, labor and health in general and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Pregnancy & Early Parenthood Guide!

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