Saturday 9 May 2009

Hope For Single Dads

Hope for the Single Dad! "God will restore the Hearts of the Fathers to their Children . . ." Please Bookmark This Page!!!

Hope For The Single Father! Advice For The Single Dad On Dating, Remarriage, Childcare, Parenting, Cooking And Much, Much More! All From A Christian Perspective! Get Encouragement And Tips For The Daily Routine From A Former Single Dad Of 2 Toddlers!
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Hope For Single Dads

"Secrets to being a Successful Single Father Revealed HERE!" ...From a former single father who mastered the art of homemaking and childrearing alone with JOY! From: Lee Eernisse

Have you ever wondered: "How will I get through the next day?
I was a single father for 5 years, caring daily for 2 small children in diapers, working 45 hours a week, cleaning my own home, preparing meals, as well as training and loving my children. I understand the struggle and pain of being a single dad. Whether by death or divorce, a man who finds himself parenting alone has a lot to manage.

In my case, my ex-wife was free as a bird while I was as responsible for the rearing of tiny kids; yet, I was victorious. I offer you my secrets for success as a single father! I offer single dads support!

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Hope For Single Dads

As a Christian single dad, I had the same problems that most men have. I was overwhelmed at first. I wondered: "How can I fill the roles of both dad and mom?" "How do I do all this work by myself?" "How do I meet the needs of these children?"

I was alone in a two parent job. I had no family nearby. I had the weight of all the responsibility on my shoulders alone.

There was a feeling of inadequacy to do it all. I developed severe asthma from the heavy stress. I was not a mother!

You may be wondering, "How do I potty train a tiny child?" "How do I calm a baby with an upset stomach?" "How do I deal with feminine issues for my daughter?" "How do I relate to my teenage children?" or "How do I curl a little girl's hair?"

I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way!
I dreamed of becoming efficient enough so that I could have some daily time to relax and rejuvenate.

I needed to know

**how to cook inexpensive, quick and nutritious meals,
**how to get spots out of the laundry,
**how to meet the emotional needs of children who feel rejected,
**when should I consider remarriage?
**how to have time for a little fun here and there!
**how God could help me to overcome my circumstances!

Thanks, Lee. Reading your work was like talking to an old friend.

D. Smith, father of 3...St. Louis
There Were Huge Obstacles...

I was exhausted after working all day! The laundry piled up! The dishes were dirty! There didn't seem to be enough time in the day. I was still living in a state of shock. Accepting the reality of the situation was very difficult. This couldn't be happening to me!

*I had to deal with my own emotional pain.
*I had to deal with my children's pain and loss.
*I had tons of housework to do.
*There were hungry children waiting on me!

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Hope For Single Dads

But Things Began To Change When...
I was doing laundry, pouring in the Tide, when a realization occurred to me.

I made a decision. That's when things began to change... My life and the life of my children would be different...

I started to enjoy the benefits of this choice right away....and you can too!

Your email address will never be traded, rented or sold.
We GUARANTEE your confidentiality.

As things started to change for me, I felt the need to share it with other guys who were parenting alone...

Then I thought, "why not make this information available for other men who are single fathers"?

Announcing Hope for Single Dads
Why I Created This Product...
(And How It Can Help You The Same Way It Helped Me!)

To help single dads know what to do in the crisis.
To help single dads get through one day at a time.
To help single dads find the resources that I so desperately needed.
To save them time...who has time to read a book or attend a parenting seminar when there are noses and bottoms to wipe?
To save them money...on counseling costs, legal costs, doctor bills.....avoid the mistakes I made.
To save them pain or frustration...when dealing with a heartbroken child while dealing with your own broken heart.
This product will help dads avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that most single dads make.

Imagine how you will feel when you can look your child in the face and truly say "everything is going to be alright..."

Imagine how you will look when you have overcome the stigma of "alone with children"
Just Look At EVERYTHING In This Course!
Face it. Most information products out there are long on promises, but short on results!

But just look at all of the things you will find in this ebook...

*The story of how my children and I overcame the loss and how you can do it too...chapter 1

*How I learned to juggle both parental roles and how you can 26
*How to know if you're ready for a new 57.
*How to discipline with love and get positive 34
*Temptations for single dads to 45

I felt like Lee Eernisse really understood what I was going through. The book was a big help to me and my kid.

R. Burton, father of girl age 6...Topeka, Kansas

Thanks for meeting a need that most people ignore. My wife left me and my 3-year-old son last year. It still hurts.

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Hope For Single Dads

W. M., Atlanta, GA

Thanks for the advice on dating. I needed to hear it.
Robert H., Virginia

Wish I had read this two years ago when I lost my wife. Your faith-based advice was exactly what I needed.

Sean R., New Mexico

What Can This Information Do For You?

Putting together a product of this magnitude requires a huge commitment, as you might have guessed. But I knew this course would give you what I needed when I was at my lowest point!

I knew it would also give you...

*Hope for the future of your family!
*Encouragement that life can and will get better!
*Strength to look to God when He doesn't seem to be in sight!
*The courage to keep going!

And I knew this information would SAVE you in many ways…

*An incredible amount of time - Let me show you once, and you can do the same thing over and over and over.

*An incredible amount of money - Save thousands of dollars...learn what the psychiatry industry along with the anti-depressant drug companies don't want you to know about!

*An incredible amount of energy - Why stumble around in the dark? Let me give you a step by step plan so you do not waste precious time and energy on things that just don’t work!

Why You Should NOT Buy This Course…

By now I hope you understand the power of what this information can mean for you and your family. But there are definitely some people who should NOT buy this course...

*Do not buy this course if these are your last two nickels to rub together!
Put first priorities FIRST. Your family needs to eat, have clothing and shelter. If you are in a state of survival, I do not want to take money that your children desperately need.
*Do not buy this course if you are going to put it on the shelf and not use it!
I created this course to give men freedom, not assuage a guilty conscience for failing to act and then let all the years pass by. Eventually, your children will leave your home.
*Do not buy this course if you aren't serious about getting help!
There is no need to waste my time and yours if you are only going to give this course a perifory glance. Only men who are willing to ACT on the advice should order.

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Hope For Single Dads
100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Order totally risk-free. If you are unhappy with the course in any way, please return it within 60 days and you will receive a prompt, courteous refund.
No harm done. No hard feelings. And we still part friends.

Why 60 days?
Because I want you to use the information immediately! I want to hold you accountable to really do something this time. No more procrastination. This is information that will change your life!

Five Huge Reasons To Act NOW... Bonus #1 (Value: $12) - The 14 Day Single Dad Menu Guide

Quick, healthy printable MENU GUIDE to get you in and out of the kitchen
Provides an easy, healthy menu for quickly preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks for 2 weeks!
This will speed up kitchen time and allow you more time to do other things that you enjoy.

Bonus #2 (Value: $7) - Task Tool A printable daily Task guide for household duties.
Provides Daily Tips for laundry and housecleaning. Provides checklists to get the job done in record tme. Again you will have less time on the grime and more time for what you prefer.

Bonus #3 (Value: $19) - Creating Oneness

Describes our failures and successes. How we made it work!

Teaches you how to build the father-child bond or blend a family so that it appears to be a whole (not his/hers/ours). Teaches children to work together as one unit. Encourages family entrepreneurship and family togetherness.

Cuts to the chase about strengthening families: the hardness, the rewards, the end result that you desire.

Bonus #4 (Value: $7) - Childcare Checklist

Lists 13 guidelines to consider when choosing a childcare provider. Things most people would not even think about are given here.

Guidelines based on research to help insure the safety and wellbeing of your child.

Less expense of emotion for you and your children. More confidence in your childcare decisions.

Follow Link For Full Story:
Hope For Single Dads

Bonus #5 (Value: $35) - Four Special Reports Gives the single father information on ADHD, teen relationship issues and much more.
You get ALL these at absolutely no cost!

The Bottom Line...

I have looked all over the Internet, and there are really no other courses that contain as much information in one place. There is nothing comparable out there.
If you had to find this information on your own...this would cost BIG bucks!
If you had to find this information on your would be researching for months!
If you had to find this information on your would be frustrated for a long, long time while your children waited for you to make a difference.

But you don't have to do that, because I have brought everything together in one knowledge and experience becomes yours.

So, I want to make this information affordable. Because it represents a way to freedom. It represents a way that you and your family can take more control over the loss of mom.

So, I am offering a rather outrageous offer...the entire package for only $27!
Your book gave me courage. I believe I can make this work in my family also!
Rand Johnson, TN

And Now…The Rest of the Story! So now you have heard my story…but not the last part.

I found myself alone with full responsibility for 2 small children. I had the roles of both parents on my shoulders.

By faith, I took one day at a time and learned to handle the situation. I overcame the obstacles, and I want to give you single dad advice in a concise, easy to understand way.

I am not extraordinary...just one of the guys...but I have been where you are, and I have the solutions you need.

Will you let me help you?
I want you to experience hope and success as a single father.

So here is what you need to do...

You need to take out your credit card and click on the order button below to reserve your book. Go ahead, click on the order button below, and I will see you on the other side… Yes, Lee! This is Just What My Family Needs. I Want to Be a Successful Single Dad!

I understand that these digital products will be available in pdf format for immediate download after purchase.

Please Send Me:
* Hope for Single Dads
* Bonus #1 The 14 Day-Single Dad Menu Guide
* Bonus #2 Task Tool
* Bonus #3 Creating Oneness
* Bonus #4 Childcare Checklist
* Bonus #5 Four Special Reports
* All for the extremely low price of $27!

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for brokerage, tariffs, customs fees or duties associated with international orders.
Please don't wait any longer! The solutions you need are just a click away!

Lee Eernisse

P.S. - Everything You Need To Successfully Care for Your Children and Change Your Own Life Is Here!...What Are You Waiting For?
P.S.S. - ACT NOW! Before My Special Price Is Gone!
Follow Link For Full Story:
Hope For Single Dads

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