Sunday 24 May 2009

Easy Home Surveillance - How would you like the ability to check in on your house, wherever you are, from your cellphone or computer?

Easy Home Surveillance Video Home Surveillance Through Your mobile Phone!
In the United States, the FBI has calculated that a burglary occurs every 8 seconds and that three out of four homes will be burglarized within the next 20 years. There's no reason to wait until it happens to you. Video surveillance systems were originally designed to offer the ultimate in security for banks, airports and casinos. Recent technological advances have made them inexpensive and simple enough to be used at home. Most surveillance systems retail for $250 or more! In our guide, we show you how to accomplish this for free! Easy Home Surveillance!

Possible Uses!
Surveillance or Spy Cameras have many purposes:
- to prevent theft,
- to watch employees,
- to catch cheating spouses,
- for covert operations,
- or simply to monitor a nanny or caregiver when you're not at home.
In addition, if you have infants or young children at home, a camera that you can view remotely will help you keep a vigilant eye on them while you're away, any time, both night and day. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Home Surveillance!

More on Home Surveillance
The most common crime in America today is breaking and entering into homes. Thank God there is a simple way to keep you and your family safe-Home Surveillance. Home surveillance is no longer a luxury for rich folks, but a simple precaution to keep Americans secure.

You, your family and your property are at risk. Trouble can be easily prevented with the right surveillance equipment. Know what's happening before they break in, and the cops can be there to meet them.

Closed Circuit Television-The Classic Home Surveillance Approach

Closed circuit television (CCTV) is the old stand-by, and it has never been easier to set up than it is today. Cameras are placed around the house at key risk points, and you've got your own TV monitor where you can watch what is happening. A simple CCTV system which will be effective in deterring crime against your property costs just a couple of thousand dollars and can save you much more.

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Home Surveillance!
The latest in CCTV technology is a new digital system that synchronizes with your computer. Instead of keeping tabs on your house with a TV, you can watch it on the Internet. This means that you can access it anywhere, even when you are away from home. There are extra features such as email notification. When something suspicious happens, it sends an email to your PC or cell phone.

There are also features that will contact the police automatically if something strange happens while you are away.

A Simpler Approach-Spy Camera

If you don't need a full CCTV system, there are a variety of simple spy cameras available on the market. You can simply install one camera, and have it connected to an IP system so you can monitor it on the Internet. Pick a key location where an intruder would be likely to enter, and you are ready to go.

Spy cameras range widely in price and model. There are wireless and wired. There are models that are small and barely noticeable, or big ones that let your intruder know he's being watched. There are even real spy cameras installed in pens and other household items. The price ranges anywhere from $100 to $1,000.

Keep Tabs On Things With Your Computer

These days, you don't even need a camera. There is security software that uses your computer's webcam like HomeCamera. You simply download and follow instructions. The computer is placed where you need security most, and the software does the rest.

Piece It Together Yourself

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Home Surveillance!
The best way to save money and manage your home surveillance system is to put it together by yourself. Now that the market offers easy-to-install options where you can simply use your computer or a one-camera set-up to stay safe, anybody can do their own installation. This cuts down on one of the biggest expenses.

Surveillance is no longer just for businesses and wealthy homeowners. Nowadays, home surveillance is a cheap, easy option for everyone. Keep your family safe by stopping intruders before they have a chance.

Sarah Miller
Tannerville, MA
Jim I wanted to write and say thank you because your guide has been such a help to me. After my son Jeffrey was born I wanted a way to check in on him and the babysitter while I was at work. Your book taught me how to install the software I needed, and how to set up my cellphone so that I can login anytime, from anywhere. I never even knew this technology was possible, and certainly wouldn't have been able to figure it out without your guidance.

Easy Home Surveillance Jennifer Connelly Crowlers, MI
For the last few months I had suspected my husband was being unfaithful but didn't have any proof to confront him with. Your guide taught me how to turn my laptop into my own personal spy camera. I followed your instructions on installing the free software, and then had the ability to see what was going on at my house from my office computer. Two days after I had everything set up I caught him cheating with the neighbor. Thanks so much for your help Jim because without it, I would still be in the dark putting up with his lies! I whole heartedly recommend this guide to any woman that suspects infidelity. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Home Surveillance!

1 comment:

  1. This is a truly great product! I purchased it and within minutes was able to view my living room, right on my cell phone!
    Thanks so much for the recommendation.
